- J.L. Huang and A.V.Virkar, The 83 th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, 1981. "Crack Growth in Composite Materials" Am.Ceram. Soc Bull 60(3) , pp.377.
- J.L. Huang and A.V. Virkar The 84th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, 1982. "Effect of Interfaces on Static and Dynamic Fatigue in ceramics " Am. Ceram. Soc Bull 61(3), pp.415.
- J.L. Huang and A.V. Virkar The 85th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, 1983. " Interface Effects in Delayed Failure " Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull. 62(3), pp.415.
- J.L. Huang and R.A. Cutler, The 37th PacificCoast Regional Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, 1984. "Investigation of The Si-Al-O-C System. Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull. 63(8), pp.997.
- J.L. Huang and R.A. Cutler, The 37th PacificCoast Regional Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, 1984. "Toughening of Alumina Composites Using Residual Stress", Am. Ceram Soc. Bull. 63(8), pp.992.
- J.H. Huang and A.V. Virkar, Symposia on the Fracture Mechanics of ceramics, Penn State-univ. 1985. "Fast Crack Propagation Across Interfaces", Fracture Mechanics of Ceramics, Vol.6, pp.121-135.
- J.L. Huang, The 87th Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, 1985. " Mechanical Properties of Sicaloc Ceramics", Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull. 64(3), pp.448.
- J.L. Huang, The 90th Annual Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, 1988. "Sic Whisker-Reinforced Sintered Reaction Bonded Reaction Bonded Silicon Nitride", Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull. 67(3), pp.610.
- B.Y. Shew and J.L. Huang, The 94th Meeting of The American Ceramic Society, 1992. "Interfacial Reactions in TiB2/Si3N4 Composites", Am. Ceram. Soc. Bull, 71(3), pp.438.
- H.L. Chiu and J.L. Huang, 1993. "Microstructure And Fracture Behavior of Hot-Pressed TiC/Si3N4 Composites", Third European Ceramic Society Conference Sept 12-17, Madrid, Spain. (任會議主持人)NCS 82-0210-D006-004.
- J.L. Huang and C.H. Lee, 1993. "Fabrication and Characterization of Al/AlN Composite", Workshop on Metal Ceramic Composite Structures, June 21-22, ViennaAustria.
- J.L. Huang and H.L. Chiu, 1993. ''Chemical Reaction and Fracture Behaviors of Hot-Pressed Si3N4-TiC Composite", The 95th Annual Meeting of the American ceramic Society, April , Cincinatti, OHUSA. NSC 82-0210-D006-004
- J.L. Huang, 1994. "Investigation of Si3N4-TiC Composites", The 5th International Symposium On Ceramic Materials and Components For Engines. May 29-June 1, Shanghai, China.(任會議主持人) NCS 82-0210-D006-004.
- J.L. Huang and L.M. Din, 1994. "Investigation of Microstructure In A Two-Step Sintered Si3N4", The Second IUMRS International Conference In Asia, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Dec. 14-18. NSC 84-0405-E006-015.
- 黃肇瑞,1995. "Chemical Stability and Fracture Behaviors of TiC/Si3N4 and TiN-Coated TiC/Si3N4 Composites", 中奧科技研討會,Feb 11-16, 高雄工學院,高雄 NSC 83-0404-D006-001.
- J.L.Huang, J.M.Jih, 1995, "Investigation of SiC/AlN Microstructure and Mechanical Properties", European Ceramic Society Fourth Conference, Oct. 2-6, Riccione, Italy, NSC81-0404-E006-646
- J.L.Huang, “Investigation of Si3N4-TiN/Si3N4-Si3N4 Layered Composites”, South Africa-Taiwan (National Science Council of R.O.C.) Joint symposium on Materials Technology, April 1996, University of the Witwaterstrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
- J.L. Huang, B.Y. Shew, 1996. ''Investigation of TiC/Si3N4 and TiN-Coated TiC/Si3N4 Composites“, The Annual Meeting of the American ceramic Society, April 14-17, Indianapolis, Ind.U.S.A.
- J.L. Huang, 1996. ''Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of SiC/SlN Composites“, The Annual Meeting of the American ceramic Society, April 14-17, Indianapolis, Ind.U.S.A.
- J.L. Huang, B.Y. Shew , D.F. Lii 1996. ''The Effects of Composition On The Oxidation Behaviors of Reactive Sputtered Ti-Al-N Films “, The Annual Meeting of the American ceramic Society, April 14-17, Indianapolis, Ind. U.S.A.
- D.F. Lii, J.L. Huang ,B.Y. Shew , 1996. “ The Effects of Bias and Nitrogen Flow Rates On the Reactive Sputtered Ti-Al-N Films”, The Annual Meeting of the American ceramic Society, April 14-17, Indianapolis, Ind.U.S.A.
- D.F. Lii, J.L.Huang, B.Y.Shew, 1997, "Oxidation Behaviors of PVD TiAlN Films", The Fifth European Ceramic Society Conference, June 22-26, Versailles, France, NSC82-0405-E006-214
- Jow-Lay Huang, 1997, “Processing Development of Si3N4 Components By Injection Molding”, Third Workshop on Metal-Ceramic Composite Structures, Taiwan-Austrian Scientific Collaboration, June4th-6th, Vienna, Austria.
- Jow-Lay Huang, Ching-An Jeng, “Injection-Molded Cr3C2/ Al2O3 Components”,The 4th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, Makuhari, Chiba, Japan, Sept. 16-18, 1997
- Jow-Lay Huang, , B.Y. Shew , D.F. Lii, “Investigation of Ti-Al-N Films”, ,The 4th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, Makuhari, Chiba, Japan, Sept. 16-18, 1997
- Jow-Lay Huang, Horng-Hwa Lu, Chien-Chen Liu, “The Facing Challenges of Silicon Nitride”, The 2nd International Symposium On the Science of Engineering Ceramics in cooperating with The 3rd International Conference on High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites, Sept 6-9, 1998, Osaka Japan.
- Jow-Lay Huang, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials (KIM), “The Current Development and Facing Challenge of Structural Ceramics”. 1998 Aannual Fall Meeting, Keynote Speech, SeoulNationalUniversity, Nov 23 1998.
- 舉辦中奧國際會議Jow-Lay Huang, 1999, “Fracture Behaviors in Al2O3/Cr3C2 Composites”, Proceeding Of The Fourth Workshop on Metal-Ceramic Structural Composites, Taiwan-Austrian Scientific Collaboration, March 26-27,National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.
- 舉辦中日國際會議Jow-Lay Huang, 2000, Proceeding of workshop for dielectric materials and applications, Taiwan-Japan scientific cooperation, Jan. 5-6, 2000. ,National ChengKungUniversity, Tainan, Taiwan.
- J.L. Huang, 2000.”'Fracture Behavior in Al2O3/Cr3C2 Composites”, The 102 Annual Meeting of the American ceramic Society, April 30-May 3,2000, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.
- D.F. Lii J.L. Huang, 2000.”Diffusion Barrier of TiAlN Films Between Cu and Si'”, The 102 Annual Meeting of the American ceramic Society, April 30-May 3, 2000, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.
- J.L. Huang, H.H. Lu, 2000.”Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Yb2O3 Doped Si3N4”, The 102 Annual Meeting of the American ceramic Society, April 30-May 3,2000, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.
- 黃肇瑞,第一屆海峽兩岸陶瓷基和金屬基複合材料研討會, 89年7月於上海, 上海硅酸鹽研究所”Crack Growth Resistance of Cr3C2/Al2O3 Composites”
- Jow-Lay Huang, 2000, “Microstructure And Mechanical Behavior In Silicon Nitride Containing Beta-Phase Seeding”, THERMEC 2000 International Conference On Processing & Manufacturing Of Advanced Materials”, December 4-8, 2000, Las Vegas, USA. Invited speech and Invited Journal Paper by the Journal of Materials Processing Technology.
- Ming-ChiKan, Jow-Lay Huang, Wei-Ting Yeh, James Sung, “Amorphous Diamond Deposited By Cathodic Arc With Controlled Asperity”, The Sixth Applied Diamond Conference/Second Frontier Carbon Technology Joint Conference, August 6-10, 2001, Auburn, AlabamaUSA.
- Ming-ChiKan, Jow-Lay Huang, Wei-Ting Yeh, James Sung, “Amorphous Diamond Deposited By Cathodic Arc: The Characterization For Field Emission Applications”, 12th European Conference On Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotube, Nitrides and Silicon Carbide”, 2-7 Sept, 2001, Budapest, Hungary.
- Jow-Lay Huang, Bao-Shun Yau, Su-Shia Lin and Ding-Fwu Lii, 2002, “Reactive Magnetron Sputtering of Indium Tin Oxide on Acrylics”, 7th Conference of the European Ceramic Society, Sep. 9-13, Brugge, Belgium, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 206-213 (2002) pp.507-510.
- Ding-Fwu Lii, Jow-Lay Huang, Shao-Ting Chang, 2001, “The Mechanical property of squeeze casting AlN/Al Composite”, 7th Conference of the European Ceramic Society, Sep. 9-13, Brugge, Belgium, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 206-213 (2001) pp.1057-1060.
- M.C.Kan, Jow-Lay Huang, James Sung, D.F.Lii, K.H.Chen, “Field emission of amorphous diamond: The effect of nitrogen doping”, the 13th European Conference on diamond, Diamond-Like Materials,Carbon Nanotubes, Nitride & Silicon Carbide, Granada Conference and exhibition Centre, Granada, Spain, 8-13 September 2002
- Jow-Lay Huang, James Sung, D.F.Lii, K.H.Chen, “Nano-tip emission of amorphous diamond”, the 8th International Conference on New Diamond Science and Technology, The university of Melbourne, Australia, 21-26 July 2002
- M.C.Kan, Jow-Lay Huang, James Sung, “Thermally Agitated Field Emidssion By Amorphous Diamond”, the 8th International Conference on New Diamond Science and Technology, The university of Melbourne, Australia, 21-26 July 2002
- L.Wu, B.H.Chen, T.Y.Chang, J.L.Huang, C.L.Huang,, ”Evaluation of Low Temperature Processing Of Lead Zirconate Titanate (53/47) Ceramics Derived From 1-propanol Based .Sol-Gel Stock Solutions”, IFFF 2002, Nara Japan.
- Shih-Jeh Wu*, Chin-An Jeng, Jow-Lay Huang; “Ultrasonic Evaluation of Thermal shocked Cr3C2/Al2O3 composite” IEEE Ultrasonics Symp, 2002.
- Ming-Chi Kan, Jow-Lay Huang, James C. Sung, Ding-Fwu Lii, Kuei-Hsien Chen, “Nano-tip emission of amorphous diamond”, The Eighth International Conference on New Diamond Science and Technology, 22-26 July 2002, University of Melbourne, Melbourne Australia.
- James C. Sung, Ming-ChiKan, Jow-Lay Huang, “Thermally Agitated Field Emission by Amorphous Diamond”, The Eighth International Conference on New Diamond Science and Technology, 22-26 July 2002, University of Melbourne, MelbourneAustralia.
- Ming-Chi Kan, Jow-Lay Huang, James C. Sung, “ Field emission characteristics of amorphous diamond nano-emitters”, International Symposium on Recent Advances in Inorganic Materials RAIM-2002, Bombay, India. December 11-13, 2002. Invited speech (45 minutes). Session Chairman.
- J.Sung, M.C.Kan, J.L.Huang, “Thermally Activated Electron Emission From Nano-tips Of Amorphous Diamond And Carbon Nano-Tubes”,International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, April 28-May 2, 2003. San Diego, California, USA.
- J.L.Huang, B.S. Yau “Investigation Of Nanocrustal-(Ti,Al)N/Amorphous-SiNy Composite Films By Co-Deposition Process ”,International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, April 28-May 2, 2003. San Diego, California, USA.
- Jow-Lay Huang1, Wei-Sheng Huang1, Hau-Dung Lin1, Kang-Tai Peng1, Ding-Fwu Lii2, 2003, “Investigation of Ceramic-Matrix Nanocomposites via Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition”, 第三屆海峽兩岸複合材料研討會, May 2003, 武漢, 中國大陸, to be published in “Key Engineering Materials”. EI
- Shang-Nan Chou, Jow-Lay Huang, Ding-Fwu Lii, 2003, “The Mechanical Properties of Al2O3/A356 Composite Manufactured by Squeeze Casting”, 8th ECerS European Conference & Exhibition, 2003 (Ecers Istanbul, Turkey 2003), June 30-July 3, 2003, Istanbul, Turkey, Europe, to be published in “Key Engineering Materials”.
- J-L Huang, Invited Speech, Academy of Science, Slovakia, “The Electron Emitting Characteristics Of Nano-Structured Amorphous Diamond”Sept. 5, 2003.
- Tien-I Chang,Jow-Lay Huang, Jen-Fu Lin,Long Wu, “Effect of Drying Temperature on Phase Transformation, Electric Properties of Sol-Gel derived Lead Zirconate Titanate Powders and Ceramics”,The 16th International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics (ISIF2004). Bomun LakeResort, Gyeongju, Korea.April 5-8, 2004, to be published in the Journal of Integrated Ferroelectrics.
- J.L.Huang, S.Y.Sun, “Low Resistivity Indium-Molybdenum Oxide Transparent Conductive Films, Effects Of Introducing H2 Gas During High Density Plasma Evaporation At Room Temperature”, International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, April 19-23, 2004. San Diego, California, USA. To be published in Thin Solid Film 2004.
- M.C.Kang, J.L.Huang, “Electron Emission Characteristics Controlled By Metal Intermediate Layer Between Nanotips Of Amorphous Diamond And ITO Substrate”, International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, April 19-23, 2004. San Diego, California, USA.
- J.J.Huang, Y.L.Wang, J.L.Huang, “Phase Formation Of Tantalum On Different Dielectric Films With Plasma Treatment”, International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, April 19-23, 2004. San Diego, California, USA.
- Chien-Cheng Liu, Jow-Lay Huang, “Microstructure And Electrode Discharge Machining Of TiN/Si3N4 Composites”, The 5thPacific Rim International Conferer On Advanced Materials Materials And Processing”, Nov. 2-5, 2004. Beijing, China.
- Tien-I Chang,Jow-Lay Huang, Jen-Fu Lin,Long Wu, “Effect of Drying Temperature on Phase Transformation, Electric Properties of Sol-Gel derived Lead Zirconate Titanate Powders and Ceramics”,The 16th International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics (ISIF2004). Bomun LakeResort, Gyeongju, Korea. April 5-8, 2004, ISIF 2004 Proceedings. to be published in the Journal of Integrated Ferroelectrics.
- Chien-Cheng Liu, Jow-Lay Huang, “Influence of TiN particles on the wear behavior of silicon nitride-based composites,” The Third China International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics. CICC-3. p151 (2004. 05. in Shenzhen, Kuntung, PROC), to be published in Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech Publications Ltd ,Switzerland.Trans Tech Publications Inc.
- Chien-Cheng Liu, Jow-Lay Huang, “Microstructure and Electrode Discharge Machining of TiN/Si3N4 composites” The Fifth Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing ( PRICM 5). (Nov. 2-5,2004. in BeijingChina). To be published in the Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech Publications Ltd,Switzerland.Trans Tech Publications Inc.
- 2004 Asian CVD-III, The 3rd Asian Conference On Chemical Vapor Deposition, 12-14 November 2004, Taipei, Taiwan. “Nanostructured (Ti,Al)xN1-x/SiyN1-y Composite Films For Cutting Tool Applications”, Invited Speech. And Session Chairman of “Hard Coading Session”.
- IUMRS-ICA-2004 International Conference In Asia, November 16-18, 2004, Industrial Technology Research Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan, session chair man.
- Y.W.Bao, X.X.Bu, Jow-Lay Huang, R.H.Sung, 2005, “Evaluating Mechanical Properties Of Hard Coatings By Using Relativity Method”, 第四屆海峽兩岸複合材料研討會,National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.
- J.H. Song, J.L.Huang, James C Sung, M.C. Kan Surface Acoustic Wave Filter Devices On The Aluminum Nitride/Unpolished Nucleation Side Of Hot Filament CVD Diamond”, International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, May 2-6, 2005. San Diego, California, USA.
- J.L. Ruan, J.L. Huang, J.S. Chen, D.F. Lii, “Effects Of Substrate Bias On The Reactive Sputtered Zr-Al-N Diffusion Barrier Films”, International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, May 2-6, 2005. San Diego, California, USA.
- Chien-Cheng Li, J.L. Huang, R.J. Lin, Hsiao-Kuo Chang, “Fabrication And Characterization Of Non-Evaporable Porous Getter Films”, International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, May 2-6, 2005. San Diego, California, USA.
- T.I Chang, J.L. Huang, J.F. Lin, L Wu, H.P.Lin, 2005 “Effects Of The Heating Rate For Preheating Process On The Composition And Phase Transformation Of Sol-Gel Derived Lead Zirconate Titanate Thin Film s”,The International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics (ISIF2005), Shanghai, China,. April 17-20, 2005, ISIF 2005 Proceedings. be published in the Journal of Integrated Ferroelectrics.`
- Ruey- Chi Wang, Chuan- Pu Liu, Jow- Lay Huang, and Shu- Jen Chen, structural and composition characterization of Al doped znO nanostructures by HRTEM, Asia-Pacific Advanced Microscopy Symposium, Nov. 16th-18th, 2005 Taiwan
- Su-Shia Lin, J.L.Huang, “The Properties Of Heavily Al-doped ZnO Films By Simultaneous r.f. And d.c. Magnetron Sputtering ”,The 3rd Asian Conference On Heat Treatment Of Materials, Nov 10-12,2005, Gyeongiu, Korea, 2005, proceeding p200-202.
- Su-Shia Lin, J.L.Huang, “The Effects of Annealing On Properties of Ti-doped ZnO Films”, The 3rd Asian Conference On Heat Treatment Of Materials, Nov 10-12,2005, Gyeongiu, Korea, 2005, proceeding p317-319.
- J.L.Huang,Ruey- Chi Wang,“Growth And Optical Properties Of Novel ZnO-Based Nanostructures”, The 3 rd Taiwan-US Airforce nanoscience Initiative Workshop, Invited speech. Hualien, Taiwan 9-11 February, 2006.
- Ching-Yun Chen, J.L. Huang, D.R. Sahu “Effect Of Oxygen Concentration On The Properties Of ZnO:In Films Prepared By Simultaneous RF And DC Magnetron Co-Sputtering”, International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, May , 2006. San Diego, California, USA.
- Sheng-Yi Lee, Sheng-Chang Wang, Jen-Sue Chen, J.L. Huang , “Effects Of Deposition And Post-annealing Conditions On Electrical Properties And Thermal Stability Of TiAlN Films By Ion Beam Sputter Deposition ”, International Confer On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, May , 2006. San Diego, California, USA.
- J.L.Huang,Ruey- Chi Wang,“Growth And Optical Properties Of Novel ZnO-Based Nanostructures”, The The 3 rd Taiwan-US Airforce nanoscience Initiative Workshop, Invited speech. Hualien, Taiwan 9-11, February, 2006.
- J.L.Huang, Ruey- Chi Wang, “Synthesis and Optoelectrical Properties of Novel ZnO-based Nanostructures”, International Conference on Novel and Emerging Ceramics and Composites, June 25-30, 2006, Kona, Hawaii, USA. Invited Speech.
- J.L.Huang, “Investigation of Chromium Carbide/Alumina Nanocomposite Prepared via MOCVD in a Fluidized Bed”, International Conference on Novel and Emerging Ceramics and Composites, June 25-30, 2006, Kona, Hawaii, USA, Invited Speech.
- 黃肇瑞林浩東,”Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Chromium Carbide/Alumina Nano-composite Prepared via MOCVD in Fluidized Bed”,邀請演講 2006海峽兩岸奈米材料研討會, April 24,25, 2006, Taiwan, Taipei,大同大學
- Chien-Cheng Li, Jow-Lay Huang, Ran-Jin Lin,“Preparation and Characterization of Non-Evaporable Porous Ti-Zr-V Getter Films”, International ConferenceOn Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, May 1-5, 2006. San Diego, California, USA.
- Chien-Cheng Li, Jow-Lay Huang, Ran-Jin Lin, “Characterization of Activation Processes of Porous Ti and Ti-Zr-V Getter Films by Synchrotron Radiation Photoemission Spectroscopy”, International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, May 1-5, 2006. San Diego, California, USA.
- D.R. Sahu, J.-L. Huang,“High Quality Transparent Conductive Multilayer Films Deposited at Room Temperature”, International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, May 1-5, 2006. San Diego, California, USA.
- D.R. Sahu,C.-Y. Chen, S.-Y. Lin, J.-L. Huang,“Effect of Substrate Temperature and Annealing Treatment on the Electrical and Optical Properties of Silver Based Multilayer Coating Electrodes”, International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, May 1-5, 2006. San Diego, California, USA.
- C.-Y. Chen, D.R. Sahu,J.-L. Huang,“Effect of Oxygen Concentration on the Properties of AnO:In Films by Simultaneous RF and DC Magnetron Co-Sputtering”, International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, May 1-5, 2006. San Diego, California, USA.
- S.-Y. Lee, J.L. Huang, J.-S. Chen, S.-CWang, “Effects of Deposition and Post-Annealing Conditions on Electrical Properties and Thermal Stability of TiAl Films by Ion Beam Sputter Deposition”, International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, May 1-5, 2006. San Diego, California, USA.
- Chen-Fu Lin, Horng-Hwa Lu, Tien-I Chang and Jow-Lay Huang, “Microstructural characteristics and microwave dielectric properties of Ba[Mg1/3(Nbx/4Ta(4-x)/4)2/3]O3 ceramics”, The American Ceramic Society 108th Annual Meeting combined with MS&T ’06 - Materials Science & Technology 2006 Conference & Exhibition, Cincinnati Convention Center. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, October 15-19, 2006. Materials and Systems, Volume 1: General Topics in Electro-ceramics – Dielectric Materials.
- Wen-Tse Lo, Jow-Lay Huang, Horng-Hwa Lu and Ding-Fwu Lii, “Synthesis and Microstructure Evolution of Ti3SiC2 Ceramics by Hot-pressed Reactive Sintering”, The American Ceramic Society 108th Annual Meeting combined with MS&T ’06 - Materials Science & Technology 2006 Conference & Exhibition, Cincinnati Convention Center. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, October 15-19, 2006. Materials and Systems, Volume 1: Ceramic Matrix Composites - Borides, Nitrides and Carbides.
- Jow-Lay Huang, 2006,第五屆海峽兩岸複合材料研討會,協辦,邀請演講“氧化鋁-碳化鉻奈米複合材料的製備及其性質之研究”, 上海復旦大學.
- 兩岸華人前瞻材料技術與應用論壇,臺南成功大學國際會議廳邀請演講Jow-Lay Huang, ”Fabrication of Dye Sensitized Solar Cell”, Nov25, 2006,
- Tien-I Chang, Jow-Lay Huang, Sheng-Chang Wang, and Chen-Fu Lin,” Effect of PVA adding on the Microstructure and Composition of Sol-gelDerived PZT films”,18th International Symposium on Integrated Ferroelectrics (ISIF 2006),Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, April 23-27, 2006 be published in the Journal ofIntegrated Ferroelectrics.
- Tien-I Chang, Sheng-Chang Wang, Chen-Fu Lin, Jow-Lay Huang”Low-Temperature Sintering of Sol-Gel Derived PZT Bulks “,The 5th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics (AMEC5) in Bangkok city of culture during 10-14 December 2006.
- Tien-I Chang, Sheng-Chang Wang, Chen-Fu Lin, Jow-Lay Huang, and Ding-Fwu Lii, “Effects of Annealing Treatments and PVAAddition on the Sol-Gel Derived PZT Films”The International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films & Surface Coatings (Thin Films 2006),December 11- 15, 2006.
- Jow-Lay Huang, “Preparation, Microstructure, Development and Mechanical Properties of Alumina-Chromium Carbide Nano-Composite”, 4thU.S. Air Force-Taiwan Nanoscience Initiative Workshop,Feb 8-9, HoustonTexas, 2007. Invited Speech.
- Jow-Lay Huang,, “Investigation Of Microstructure And Mechanical Properties Of Hot-Pressed Ti3SiC2 Composites”, The 5thChina International Conference On High-Performance Ceramics, May 10-13, 2007, Changsha, Hunan, China. Invited Speech.
- Sheng-Yi Lee, Sheng-Chang Wang, Jen-Sue Chen, Jow-Lay Huang. "Effects of nitrogen partial pressure on electrical properties and thermal stability of TiAlN films by ion beam sputter deposition", The International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF), April 23-27, 2007, San Diego, USA.
- Chien-Cheng Li, Jow-Lay Huang, Ran-Jin Lin, Ding-Fwu Lii, Chia-Hao Chen, "Activation characterization of non-evaporable Ti–Zr–V getter films by synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy", The International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF), April 23-27, 2007, San Diego, USA.
- Chien-Cheng Li, Jow-Lay Huang, Ran-Jin Lin, Ding-Fwu Lii, Chia-Hao Chen, "Oxygen-adsorption characterization of activated non-evaporable Ti–Zr–V getter films by synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy", The International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF), April 23-27, 2007, San Diego, USA.
- D. R. Sahu, Jow-Lay Huang, "The properties of ZnO/Cu/ZnO multilayer films before and after annealing in the different atmosphere", The International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF), April 23-27, 2007, San Diego, USA.
- D. R. Sahu, Jow-Lay Huang, "Structural, electrical and optical properties of sputter deposited Ag-doped ZnO films", The International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF), April 23-27, 2007, San Diego, USA.
- J-H Song, J-L Huang, H-H Lu, J-C Sung, "Investigation of Wurtizitic (B,Al)N films preapared on polycrystalline diamond", The International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF), April 23-27, 2007, San Diego, USA.
- C-Y Chen, J-L Huang, D-F Lii, D. R. Sahu, "Optical and structural characterization of ZnO-In thin films", The International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF), April 23-27, 2007, San Diego, USA.
- J.L.Huang, “Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti3SiC2 Composites”, The 2nd International Symposium On SiAlONs and Non-Oxides, Ise-Shima Royal Hotel, Mie, Japan, 2nd to 5th December, 2007. Invited Speech.
- Jin-Lin Wu, Sundeep.H.D, Jow-Lay Huang.”Synthesis of Mesoporous SiO2 using Triblock co-polymer(F127) as surfactant and TEOS (tetraethoxysilane) as Silica Source.”, International Workship on Innovations and Advanced Studies Feb. 18 – 21, 2008 .National ChengKungUniversity, Tainan, Taiwan
- S.-Y. Lee, S.C. Wang, J.S. Chen, J-L. Huang. "Ion beam sputter deposited TiAlN bottom electrode for the dielectric and leakage characteristics of (Ba,Sr)TiO3 thin film capacitor",35th International confrence on metallurgical coatings and thin films (ICMCTF 2008), April 28-May 2, 2008, San Diego, California, USA
- Jian-Long Ruan, Ding-Fwu Lii, J.S. Chen, and Jow-Lay Huang, “Microstructural and Electrical Characteristics of Reactively Sputtered Zr-N Thin films”, ,35th International confrence on metallurgical coatings and thin films (ICMCTF 2008), April 28-May 2, 2008, San Diego, California, USA
- Jian-Long Ruan, Ding-Fwu Lii, J.S. Chen, and Jow-Lay Huang, “Investigation of substrate bias effects on the reactively sputtered ZrN diffusion barrier films”, 35th International confrence on metallurgical coatings and thin films (ICMCTF 2008), April 28-May 2, 2008, San Diego, California, USA
- 周尚南, 盧鴻華, 李丁福, 黃肇瑞,“以擠壓鑄造法製作氧化鋁/鋁合金複合材料之性質及破壞行為的研究” ,Invited Speech,第四屆海峽兩岸工程材料研討會,廣西大學,南寧 Sept 4,5. 2008
- 黃肇瑞, ”以奈米技術促進太陽能光電轉換效率及其在節能減排與提昇優質生活環境之應用”invited speech,第四屆海峽兩岸薄膜科學技術研討會, Sept 12,13. 2008, 廈門大學
- Jow-Lay Huang, “New strategies for improvement of opto-electric transfer efficiency, photo-active functions and their application in promoting life quality”, Invited Speech and session chairman, The 9th International Symposium On Ceramic Materials and Components For Energy and Environmental Applications, Nov 10-14, 2008, Shanghai, China
- Jow-Lay Huang,第六屆海峽兩岸複合材料研討會, “以擠壓鑄造法製作氧化鋁/鋁合金複合材料之性質及破壞行為的研究”, 邀請演講, Sept 21-22 2009,臺北科技大學
- J.. J.L. Huang, “Improvement of Opto-electric Transfer Efficiency and Photo-active Functions and Their Application In Promoting Life Quality”, 2009 Taiwan-Finland Workshop of Electroceramic and Nanotechnology Application and Processing, Feb 12-13,2009. NationalTaiwanNormalUniversity, Taipei. Invited Speech.
- Jow-Lay Huang, Chien-Lin KuO, Ruey-Chi Wang, Chuan-Pu Liu,”Growth and opticalproperties of novel ZnO nanomaterials”,Invited Speech,session organizer and chairman. organiz8th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, Hyatt Regency Vancouver, Canada, May 31-June 5, 2009.
- Chien-Lin KuO, Ruey-Chi Wang, Jow-Lay Huang, Chuan-Pu Liu,”Density Control of Al doped ZnO Nanowire Arrays”,8th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, Hyatt Regency Vancouver, Canada, May 31-June 5, 2009.
- J. Ruan, D. Lii, H. Lu, J. Chen, J. Huang, “Effects of substrate bias on the reactively sputtered ZrN diffusion barrier films”, 8th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, Hyatt Regency Vancouver, Canada, May 31-June 5, 2009.
- Ching-Huan Lee, Horng-Hwa Lu, Jow-Lay Huang, “Effect of semiconductive TiC and TiNnano powders on anisotropic grain growth of ultrafineβ-Si3N4 by spark plasmasintering technique”,8th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, Hyatt Regency Vancouver, Canada, May 31-June 5, 2009.
- Jian-Long Ruan, Jow-Lay Huang, Horng-Hwa Lu, J.S. Chen, and Ding-Fwu Lii, “Effects of Ta content on the microstructure and electrical property of reactively sputtered TaxZr1-xN thin films”, The 5thInternational Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films & Surface Coatings (Thin Films 2010), 11-14 July 2010,Harbin, China.
- Ming-Hsiu Wu, Jow-Lay Huang, Kuan-Zong Fung, and Ding-Fwu Lii, “Conductivity of porous yttria doped zirconia films deposited on samaria doped ceria”, The 5thInternational Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films & Surface Coatings (Thin Films 2010), 11-14 July 2010,Harbin, China.
- Jen-Hao Song, Jow-Lay Huang, Tatsuya Omori, James C. Sung, Sean Wu,and Ding-Fwu Lii, “Piezoelectric (B, Al)N film on Diamond Substrate to Enhance SAW Device Resonance Frequency”, The 5thInternational Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films & Surface Coatings (Thin Films 2010), 11-14 July 2010,Harbin, China.Invited Speech.
- 黃肇瑞,第六屆海峽兩岸薄膜科學與技術研討會,大會主席及邀請演講“ Growth and Optoelectrical Properties of Functional ZnO-based Nanomaterials, 2010年8月甘肅蘭州.
- Hao-Tung Lin, Pramoda K. Nayak, Sheng-Chang Wang, Shin-YunChang and Jow-Lay Huang, “ Electron-Energy Loss Spectroscopy and Raman studies of nanosized chromium carbide synthesized during carbothermal reduction process from precursor Cr(CO)6 “, 11th International Conference on Ceramic Processing Science (ICCPS-11), 29th August - 1st September, 2010.Zurich, Switzerland
- Horng-Hwa Lu, Ching-Huan Lee, Pramoda K. Nayak, Chang-An Wang, Jow-Lay Huang ,”Fabrication and microstructure of TiN/Si3N4 based nanocomposite by spark plasma sintering”, 11th International Conference on Ceramic Processing Science (ICCPS-11), 29th August - 1st September, 2010, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Yu-Min Shen, Yueh-Ting Shih, Sheng-Chang Wang,Pramoda K. Nayak, Jow-Lay Huang,“Characterization of ordered Cu2O nanowire arrays prepared by heat treated Cu/PAM composite”, 37th International confrence on metallurgical coatings and thin films (ICMCTF 2010), April 27-May 1, 2010, San Diego, California, USA.
- H.T. Lin, B.Z. Liu, P.K. Nayak, S.Q. Lu, S.C. Wang, J.L. Huang, “ Study On Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cr3C2/Al2O3 Nano-Composites Prepared Via MOCVD in Fluidized Bed”, ICC 3 , the 3rd International Congress On Ceramics, Nov. 14-18, 2010. Osake, Japan. Invited Speech.
- Chun-Min Wang, Chun-Chieh Huang, Hao-Tung Lin,Pramoda K. Nayak,Jow-Lay Huang, “A Novel Preparation of Sn,Sb-O2-x Coatings by Pulse UV Laser Annealing”, ICMCTF, 2011/5, 美國聖地牙哥。
- Ching-Huan Lee, Horng-Hwa Lu, Chang-An Wang, Pramoda K. Nayak, Jow-Lay Huang, “Factors determining microstructural evolution of Si3N4 based nanocomposites in spark plasma sintering: The case of heating rate”, 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Energy Applications (ACTSEA 2011), Oct 30-Nov 2, 2011, Howard Beach Resort Kenting, Pingtung, Taiwan.
- Chan-Jung Hsu, Pramoda K. Nayak, Sheng-Chang Wang, James C. Sung, Chiang-LunWang, Chung-Lin Wu, Jow-Lay Huang, “Growth of Single- and Multi- layer Graphene on Ni Substrates for Spinodal decomposition phenomenon”, 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Energy Applications (ACTSEA 2011), Oct 30-Nov 2, 2011, Howard Beach Resort Kenting, Pingtung, Taiwan.
- Wei-Hsio Chen, Hao-TungLin, PramodaK.Nayak, Jow-Lay Huang, “Synthesis of W-species /Alumina Composite Ceramics using MOCVD followed by spark plasma sintering (SPS)”, 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Energy Applications (ACTSEA 2011), Oct 30-Nov 2, 2011, Howard Beach Resort Kenting, Pingtung, Taiwan.
- Yu-Min Shen, Chih-Huang Pan, Sheng-Chang Wang, and Jow-Lay Huang, “OrderedZnO/AZO/PAM nanowire arrays prepared by seed-layer-assisted electrochemical deposition”, 3rd International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Energy Applications (ACTSEA 2011), Oct 30-Nov 2, 2011, Howard Beach Resort Kenting, Pingtung, Taiwan.
- Pramoda K. Nayak, Chan-Jung Hsu, Sheng-Chang Wang, James C. Sung, Jow-LayHuang, “Graphene Coated Ni Films: A Protective Coating”, TACT 2011 International Thin Films Conference (TACT 2011), Nov. 20-Nov. 23, 2011, Howard Beach Resort Kenting, Pingtung, Taiwan.
- Jian-Long Ruan, Jow-Lay Huang, Horng-Hwa Lu, J.S. Chen, Ding-Fwu Lii, “Improvement of diffusion barrier properties of reactively sputtered ZrNx films by Ta incorporation for Cu metallization”, TACT 2011 International Thin Films Conference (TACT 2011), Nov. 20-Nov. 23, 2011, Howard Beach Resort Kenting, Pingtung, Taiwan.
- Chun-Kai Wang, Ching-Lin Wu, Chung-Kwei Lin, Sheng-Chang Wang, and Jow-Lay Huang, “Characterization of electrochromic tungsten oxide film prepared by electrochemical anodization of RF-sputtered tungsten films”, TACT 2011 International Thin Films Conference (TACT 2011), Nov. 20-Nov. 23, 2011, Howard Beach Resort Kenting, Pingtung, Taiwan.
- Chun-Min Wang, Chun-Chieh Huang, Hao-Tung Lin,Pramoda K. Nayak,Jow-Lay Huang, “Investigation of pulsed ultraviolet laser annealing of Sb/SnO2 thin films on the structural, optical and electrical properties”, TACT 2011 International Thin Films Conference (TACT 2011), Nov. 20-Nov. 23, 2011, Howard Beach Resort Kenting, Pingtung, Taiwan. Poster Paper Award: Second Prize in Symposium C.
- Ming-Hsiu Wu, Jow-Lay Huang, Hsiao-Ting Tseng, Jui-Chao Kuo, and Ding-Fwu Lii, “Transition of ceria truncated nano-tetrahedron island into a triangular plate stack structure”, TACT 2011 International Thin Films Conference (TACT 2011), Nov. 20-Nov. 23, 2011, Howard Beach Resort Kenting, Pingtung, Taiwan.
- Ching-Lin Wu, Chun-Kai Wang, Chung-Kwei Lin, Sheng-Chang Wang, Jow-Lay Huang, “Preparation, characterization and electrochromic property of nanostructured tungsten oxide films by surfactant-assisted process”, TACT 2011 International Thin Films Conference (TACT 2011), Nov. 20-Nov. 23, 2011, Howard Beach Resort Kenting, Pingtung, Taiwan.
- Wei-Hsio Chen, Hao-TungLin, PramodaK.Nayak, Jow-Lay Huang, “Synthesis of Tungsten Carbide- Alumina Nanocomposites via Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition and Carbonization Process”, TACT 2011 International Thin Films Conference (TACT 2011), Nov. 20-Nov. 23, 2011, Howard Beach Resort Kenting, Pingtung, Taiwan.
- Man-Ping Chang, Hao-Tung Lin, Pramoda K.Nayaka, Wei-Hsio Chen, Jow-Lay Huang, “Synthesis of Tungsten Carbides via Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition and Carbonization Process”, TACT 2011 International Thin Films Conference (TACT 2011), Nov. 20-Nov. 23, 2011, Howard Beach Resort Kenting, Pingtung, Taiwan.
- Sanjaya Brahma, Pramoda K. Nayak, Jow-Lay Huang*, S.B. Krupanidhi, L.M. Kukreja, S.A. Shivashankar, Luminescence crossover in ZnO nanostructures from intense UV to bright visible light, Journal of Nanotechnology (Accepted),
- Ching-Lin Wu, Chun-Kai Wang, Chung-Kwei Lin, Sheng-Chang Wang, Jow-Lay Huang, “Preparation, characterization and electrochromic property of nanostructured tungsten oxide films by surfactant-assisted process “, Taiwan Associated for Coating and Technology International Thin Films Conference, Howard Beach Resort, Kenting Taiwan, 2011 Nov. 20-23, International Thin Films Conference.
- Chun-Kai Wang, Ching-Lin Wu, Chung-Kwei Lin, Sheng-Chang Wang, Jow-Lay Huang, “Characterization of electrochromic tungsten oxide film prepared by electrochemical anodization of RF-sputtered tungsten films”, Taiwan Associated for Coating and Technology International Thin Films Conference, Howard Beach Resort, Kenting Taiwan, 2011 Nov. 20-23, International Thin Films Conference.
- Jow‐Lay Huang*, Ching‐Huan Lee, Horn‐Hwa Lu, Pramoda Kumar Nayak, “Study onspark‐plasmasinteredbeta‐Si3N4 based nanocomposites(Invited)”, 36th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites(ICACC), Jan. 22- Jan. 27, 2012, Daytona Beach, Florida,USA.
- S. Wu.*, J. Huang, R. Ro, Z. Lin, “Nonpolar AlN Thin Films on Diamond for New Electronics Devices”, 37th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Jununary 27-February 1, 2013, Hilton Daytona Beach Resort and Ocean Center Daytona Beach, Florida USA.
- Alex Chinghuan Lee, Haochih Liu, Po-Jui Su, Jow-Lay Huang, “Probing localized electricity in insulating/conductive ceramic nanocomposites by scanning impedance microscopy (SIM)”, 10th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, June 2-7, 2013, San Diego, USA
- Alex Chinghuan Lee, Haochih Liu, Po-Jui Su, Hua-Tay Lin, Jow-Lay Huang, “Probing conductance heterogeneity of insulating/conductive ceramic nanocomposites at the nanoscale by scanning impedance microscopy”, 10th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, June 2-7, 2013, San Diego, USA
- Ching yu Chen, Ching huan Lee, Horng hwa Lu, Jow lay Huang, “Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Si3N4 Nanoceramics by Carbothermal Reduction and Spark Plasma Sintering”, 10th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, June 2-7, 2013, San Diego, USA
- Wei-Lun Ho, Bernard, Haochih Liu, Ching-Huan Lee, Jow-Lay Huang, “AFM based studies of current path during spark plasma sintering with local impedance measurement on Si3N4 and Al2O3 nanocomposites microstructure”, 10th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, June 2-7, 2013, San Diego, USA
- W.H. Chen, P. K. Nayak, H. T. Lin, Y. Y. Chen, J. L. Huang, "Microstructure development and mechanical property of Tungsten Carbide/Alumina composite"”, 10th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, June 2-7, 2013, San Diego, USA
- Ching-Lin Wu, Chung-Kwei Lin, Chun-Kai Wang, Sheng-Chang Wang, Jow-LayHuang, "Annealing induced structural evolution and electrochromic properties of nanostructured tungsten oxide films", ICMCTF April 29 - May 3, 2013, San Diego, CA, USA
- Betty Yan Jin Liang, Yu-Min Shen, Sheng-Chang Wang, Jow-Lay Huang, "The influence of reaction temperatures and volume of oleic acid to synthesis SnS nano crystals by using thermal decomposition method", ICMCTF April 29 - May 3, 2013, San Diego, CA, USA
- Long-Zun Huang, Pramoda K. Nayak, Sheng-Chang Wang, and Jow-Lay Huang, "Synthesis of mono- to few-layer graphene on Cu-Ni Alloy for Transparent Conducting Electrodes", ICMCTF April 29 - May 3, 2013, San Diego, CA, USA
- Sin Yee Lim, Chuan-Pu Liu, Ruey-Chi Wang, Sanjaya Brahma, Jow-Lay Huang, "Effect of Indium concentration on luminescence and electrical property of Indium doped ZnO nanowires", ICMCTF April 29 - May 3, 2013, San Diego, CA, USA
- Jow-Lay Huang, Ching-Huan Lee, “新功能陶瓷設計” 2013新材料發展趨勢研討會暨第六屆海峽兩岸新材料發展論壇,中國吉林長春,2013年7月25-28日
- Jow-Lay Huang, Ching-Huan Lee, Hao-Chih Liu, Horng-Hwa Lu, Chang-An Wang, Po-Jui Su, “The study of impedance response of Si3N4/TiC ceramic nanocomposite at the nanoscale by conductive atomic force microscopy”,第八屆海峽兩岸超微顆粒學術研討會,中國湖南湘西, 8/25-29, 2013
- Chun-Min Wang, Chun-Chieh Huang, Hao-Tung Lin,Pramoda K. Nayak,Jow-Lay Huang, “Preparation and study of Sb/SnO2 bi-layer films deposited”, 2013 TACT International Thin Films Conference, The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, 2013/10/5-9. Poster Award, Symposium C, C-P-614011
- Shao- Chieh Weng, Chia-Chin Chang, Sheng-Chang Wang*, Jow-Lay Huang*, “Synthesis of Metal oxide/Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites via chemical solution method in low temperature”, 2013 TACT International Thin Films Conference, The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, 2013/10/5-9.
- Yen-Hsing Chen, Yu-Min Shen, Sheng-Chang Wang, Jow-Lay Huang* , “Fabrication of ZnO nanowire arrays through anodic alumina oxide by electrodeposition”, 2013 TACT International Thin Films Conference, The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, 2013/10/5-9.
- Yu-Wen Yeh, Chuan-Pu Liu, Ruey-Chi Wang, Jow-Lay Huang*, “Electrical and optical properities of Cu- doped ZnO nanowires”, 2013 TACT International Thin Films Conference, The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, 2013/10/5-9.
- Chien-Hsun Chu, Hung-Wei Wu andJow-Lay Huang, “Comparison of AZO/Ag/AZO and AZO/Mo/AZO multilayer thin films on optoelectronic properties for high quality transparent electrodes,” 2013 Taiwan Vacuum Society, Tainan, Taiwan.(Oral presentation)
- Chien-Hsun Chu, Hung-Wei Wu andJow-Lay Huang, “Investigation of Tri-layer AZO/Mo/AZO thin films Prepared by RFMagnetron Sputtering,” 2013Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference, Chung-Li, Taiwan.(Oral presentation)
- Chien-Hsun Chu, Hung-Wei Wu andJow-Lay Huang, “Influence of Working Pressure on Structural and Optoelectronic Properties of Al-doped ZnO Thin Films Prepared by RF Magnetron Sputtering,” 2014 International Symposium on Computer Consumer and Control, Taichung, Taiwan.(Oral presentation)
- Alex Chinghuan Lee, Horng-Hwa Lu, Benard Haochih Liu, Chang-An Wang, Ding-Fu Lii, Pramoda Kumar Nayak, Jow-Lay Huang, “Factors determining microstructural evolution of Si3N4 based nanocomposites in spark plasma sintering: Incorporating conductive nano-TiC,” 4thInternational Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Energy Applications (ACTSEA) toward a low carbon society, Nov. 10-13, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Wei-Hsio Chen, Hao-Tung Lin, Pramoda K.Nayak, Jow-Lay Huang, “Spark Plasma Sintering behavior of WC-Al2O3 nanocomposite ceramics”, 4th Symposium on Advanced Ceramics and Technology for Sustainable Energy Applications toward a Low Carbon Society (ACTSEA), November 10-13, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Jow-Lay Huang, Ching-Huan Lee, “Design and processing of new functional ceramics”, 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems (ICITES 2013), 12-14 December 2013, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- Jow‐Lay Huang, Ching‐Huan Lee “New functional ceramics in Taiwan (Invited)”, 38th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites(ICACC), Jan. 26- Jan. 31, 2014, Daytona Beach, Florida,USA.
- Alex Chinghuan Lee, Horng-Hwa Lu, Takashi Goto, Hua-Tay Lin, Rong Tu, Pramoda Kumar Nayak, Ching-Yu Chen, Jow-Lay Huang, “Processing and microstructure of Si3N4 based nanocomposites for highly wear-resistant application”, 38th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites(ICACC), Jan. 26- Jan. 31, 2014, Daytona Beach, Florida,USA.
- Yu-Ling Lianga, Hsin-Ying Leea, Xiaoding Qia,b,c,*, Jow-Lay Huanga,c, “Growth of 3C-SiC films on Si substrates by Vapor-Liquid-Solid tri-phase epitaxy”, 2014 International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego,America. April 28, 2014 to May 2, 2014.
- Chien-Hsun Chu, Hung-Wei Wu* andJow-Lay Huang, “Annealing Effects of AZO/Au/AZO Multilayer Transparent Conductive Thin Films,” 2014 International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego,America. (Oral presentation), April 28, 2014 to May 2, 2014.
- Yu-Wen Yeh, Chuan-Pu Liu, Ruey-Chi Wang, Jow-Lay Huang, “Study of Sensing Properties of Zinc Oxide and Cu-doped Zinc Oxide Nanowires”, 2014 International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego,America.April 28, 2014 to May 2, 2014.
- Yen-Hsing Chen; Yu-Min Shen; Sheng-Chang Wang, PhD; Jow-Lay Huang*, “Fabrication of one-dimensional ZnO nanotube and nanowire arrays with an anodic alumina oxide template via electrochemical deposition”,2014 International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego,America. April 28, 2014 to May 2, 2014.
- Ding-Fwu Lii*;Pin-Hung Chen;Jow-Lay Huang;Sean Wu, “Characterization and Piezoelectric Properties of Reactively Sputtered C-axisOrientation ScAlN Films on Y-128° LiNbO3”, 3rd Annual 2014 International Conference on Material Science and Engineering[ICMSE 2014], May 15~17, 2014 Guangzhou, Guangdong, China.
- S.Y.Lin, C.Y.Chen, C.H.Lee, H.H.Lu, J.L.Huang*, “Microstructure and thermal conductivity of Si3N4 based nanocomposites”, 國際電子材料年會(IUMRS-ICEM 2014)暨103年中國材料科學學會年會,2014年6月10日至6月14日在台北南港展覽館。
- Shao-Chieh Weng, Chia-Chin Chang, Chao-Chung Ho, Jow-Lay Huang*, “A Facile One-step Route of Synthesizing α-type MnO2/rGO Nanocompositesas Anode Materials for Lithium-ion Batteries”, International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, April 20-24, 2015, San Diego,America. (Oral presentation).
- Po-Chia Huang, Jow-Lay Huang, Sheng-Chang Wang*, Muhammad Omar Shaikh, Chia-Yu Lin, “Photoelectric Properties of Orthorhombic and Zinc Blende Phase SnS Nanocrystals by a Facile Colloidal Synthesis Method”, International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, April 20-24, 2015, San Diego,America. (Oral presentation).
- Pin-Hung Chen, Sean Wu*, Ding-Fwu Lii, Jow-Lay Huang, “Characterization and Piezoelectric Properties of Reactively Sputtered ScAlN on Y-128o LiNbO3”, International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, April 20-24, 2015, San Diego,America. (Oral presentation).
- Chak-Seng Long, Horng-Hwa Lu*, Ding-Fwu Lii, Jow-Lay Huang, “Effects of Annealing on NIR Shielding Properties of Cs-doped TungstenOxide Thin Films Deposited by Electron Beam Evaporation”, International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, April 20-24, 2015, San Diego,America. (Oral presentation).
- Chien-Hsun Chu, Wu-Han Tsai, Hung-Wei Wu* and Jow-Lay Huang, “Effects of Al Layer Thickness on Structural and Optoelectrical Properties of AZO/Al/AZO Multilayer Thin Films,” 2015 International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes, July 8-10, Kyoto, Japan. (Oral presentation)
- Yu-Ming Lin, Chien-Hsun Chu, Hung-Wei Wu* and Jow-Lay Huang, “Study of AZO Thin Films Under Different Annealing Atmosphere on Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties by rf Magnetron Sputtering,” 2015 International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, March 18-20, Hong-Kong, China. (Oral presentation)
- Chien-Hsun Chu, Hung-Wei Wu* and Jow-Lay Huang, “Effects of Cu Layer Thickness on the Opto-electronic Properties of Multilayer AZO/Cu/AZO Films,” 2015 International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, April 20-24, 2015,San Diego, America. (Poster)
- Alex Chinghuan Lee, Horng-Hwa Lu, Chang-An Wang, Hua-Tay Lin, Ding-Fu Lii, Jow-Lay Huang, “Microstructural development and intrinsic fracture toughness of monolithic Si3N4 ceramics prepared by spark plasma sintering”, 39th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites(ICACC), Jan. 25- Jan. 30, 2015, Daytona Beach, Florida,USA.
- Alex C. Lee, Horng-Hwa Lu, Hua-Tay Lin, Pavol Šajgalík, Ding-Fu Lii, Ching-Yu Chen, Jow-Lay Huang, “Enhanced mechanical and wear properties of ultrafine-grained Si3N4 doped with Y2O3”, 39th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites(ICACC), Jan. 25- Jan. 30, 2015, Daytona Beach, Florida,USA.
- Alex C. Lee, Horng-Hwa Lu, Bernard H. Liu, Ding-Fu Lii, Jow-Lay Huang, “Microstructural coarsening and electrical conductance at nanoscale of Si3N4/TiC nanocomposites in spark plasma sintering”, 39th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites(ICACC), Jan. 25- Jan. 30, 2015, Daytona Beach, Florida,USA.
- Jow-Lay Huang, Alex C. Lee, Horng-Hwa Lu, Chang-An Wang, Takashi Goto, Ding-Fu Lii, Pramoda K. Nayak, “Investigation of microstructural development and mechanical properties of Si3N4 based nanocomposites prepared by spark plasma sintering”, Advanced Research Workshop, Engineering Ceramics 2015, Materials for Better Life, Smolenice castle, May 10-14, 2015.
- Jow-Lay Huang, Alex C. Lee, Horng-Hwa Lu, Chang-An Wang, Takashi Goto, Ding-Fu Lii, Pramoda K. Nayak, “Microstructural development and cracking evolution of Si3N4 nano-ceramics prepared by spark plasma sintering”, 第九屆海峡兩岸超微顆粒學術研討會暨中國顆粒學會超微顆粒專委會2015年會, 8/3~8/5, 寧波豪生陽光大酒店。
- Jow-Lay Huang, Alex C. Lee, Horng-Hwa Lu, Chang-An Wang, Takashi Goto, Ding-Fu Lii, Pramoda K. Nayak, “Spark plasma sintering of Si3N4 based nanocomposites and their mechanical performances”, 11th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, August 30 – September 4, 2015, ICC Jeju, Jeju, Korea.
- Pin-Hung Chen, Sean Wu*, Ding-Fwu Lii, Jow-Lay Huang, Zhi-Xun Lin, “Surface acoustic wave device properties of ScAlN films on Y-128° LiNbO3 substrate”, 2015 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2015), May 22-26, 2015, Osaka, Japan.
- Wei-Hsio Chen, Hao-Tung Lin, Pramoda Nayak, Jow-Lay Huang*, “Synthesis of tungsten-alumina nanocomposites by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) in a spouted bed” 2015 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2015), May 22-26, 2015, Osaka, Japan
- Chun-Min Wang, Chun-Chieh Huang*, Jui-Chao Kuo, Dipti Ranjan Sahu and Jow-Lay Huang, “Evolution between annealing temperature and oxygen flow in ion beam sputtered SnO2-x thin films”, 2015 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2015), May 22-26, 2015, Osaka, Japan
- Hsin-I Wang, Sheng-Chang Wang*, Jow-Lay Huang, “Synthesis and characteristics of layered SnS2 nanostructures via hot injection method”, 2015 TACT International Thin Films Conference, Nov. 15~18, 2015, Tainan, Taiwan.
- Jow-Lay Huang, 邀請演講, “Microstructural development and cracking evolution of Si3N4 nano-ceramics prepared by spark plasma sintering”,20150802~20150805,第九届海峡两岸超微颗粒学术研讨会暨中国颗粒学会超微颗粒专委会 2015 年会,地点:宁波阳光豪生大酒店。
- Jow-Lay Huang, 邀請演講, “Spark Plasma Sintering of Si3N4 based Nanocomposites and their Mechanical Performances”, 20150830~20150904, 第十一屆的環太平洋陶瓷材料會議,地點: 韓國濟州島,International Convention Center(ICC)。
- Woan-Jwu Liauh, Pin-Hung Chen, Sean Wu*, Ding-Fwu Lii, and Jow-Lay Huang, “Characterization of Highly C-Axis-Oriented ScAlN Films on Diamond-Like Carbon”, 20150830~20150904, 第十一屆的環太平洋陶瓷材料會議,地點: 韓國濟州島,International Convention Center(ICC)。
- Jr-Shiang Shiau, Chuan-Pu Liu, Jow-Lay Huang*, “Preparation and Characterization of MgZnO Thin Films by RF Magnetron Sputtering toward the Application in UV Photodetection”, 20150830~20150904, 第十一屆的環太平洋陶瓷材料會議,地點: 韓國濟州島,International Convention Center(ICC)。
- Chien-Hsun Chu, Hung-Wei Wu* and Jow-Lay Huang, “Influences of Ni thickness on the structure and optoelectrical properties of AZO/Ni/AZO multilayer films by rf magnetron sputtering and electron beam evaporation”, 20151115~20151118, 2015 International Thin Films Conference, Tainan, Taiwan. (Oral presentation)
- Shao-Chieh Weng, Chia-Chin Chang, Chao-Chung Ho, Jow-Lay Huang*, “The effects of graphene oxide sheets as anode for lithium ion battery”, 20151115~20151118, 2015 International Thin Films Conference, Tainan, Taiwan. (Oral presentation).
- Shang-Chieh Hou , C. C. Chang , Shun-Min Yang, Jow-Lay Huang*, “Facile synthesis of scattered SiC wire growing on Si/ silicide powder and its characteristics”, 20151115~20151118, 2015 International Thin Films Conference, Tainan, Taiwan. (Oral presentation).
- Yu-Ming Lin, Chien-Hsun Chu, Hung-Wei Wu and Jow-Lay Huang, “Study of AZO Thin Films Under Different Annealing Atmosphere on Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties by rf Magnetron Sputtering”, 20150318~20150320, 2015 International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, Hong-Kong, China. (Oral presentation).
- Chien-Hsun Chu, Wu-Han Tsai, Hung-Wei Wu and Jow-Lay Huang, “Effects of Al Layer Thickness on Structural and Optoelectrical Properties of AZO/Al/AZO Multilayer Thin Films”, 20150708~20150710, 2015 International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes, Kyoto, Japan. (Oral presentation)
- Woan-Jwu Liauh, Sean Wu*, Jow-Lay Huang, Ding-Fwu Lii and Zhi-Xun Lin, “Characterization and Piezoelectric Properties of Reactively Sputtered C-axis Orientation ScAlN Films on diamond-like carbon”, 2015年奈米國際研討會(2015-ISNST), 2015 1030-20151031, 南臺科技大學E棟13F念慈國際會議廳。.
- Shang-Chieh Hou , C. C. Chang , Shun-Min Yang, Jow-Lay Huang*, “Characterizations and electrochemical properties of high energy mechanical milled Si as anode for Li-ion batteries”, 66th Annual Meeting of The International Society of Electrochemistry, 04 - 09 October 2015 / Taiwan, Taipei (Poster).
- Woan-Jwu Liauh, Sean Wu*, Jow-Lay Huang, Ding-Fwu Lii, Zhi-Xun Lin,Wen-Kuan Yeh, “Microstructure and Piezoelectric Properties of Reactively Sputtered Highly C-axis ScxAl1-xN Thin Films on Diamond-Like Carbon/Si Substrate”, International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films(ICMCTF), April 25-29, 2016, San Diego, America.Oral presentation.
- Jr-Shiang Shiau, Sanjaya Brahma, Chuan-Pu Liu*, Jow-Lay Huang, “Ultraviolet photodetectors based on MgZnO thin film grown by RF magnetrn sputtering”, International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films(ICMCTF), April 25-29, 2016, San Diego, America.Oral presentation.
- Chau-Chung Hou, Jow-Lay Huang*, Chia-Chin Chang, Shao-Chieh Weng, “Multi-layer graphene/ SnO2 nanocomposites as negative electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries”, International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF), April 25-29, 2016, San Diego, America.Oral presentation.
- Ya-Chih Cheng, Sean Wu*, Jow-Lay Huang, Ding-Fwu Lii, Wen-Kuan Yeh, “Growth of Fe-doped ZnO film by e-beam evaporation from self-made target source”, International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films(ICMCTF), April 25-29, 2016, San Diego, America.Oral presentation.
- Shao-Chieh Weng1, Chao-Chung Ho1, Sanjaya Brahma1, Chia-Chin Chang2, Jow-Lay Huang1, 3, 4, 5*, “Synthesis of MnOx/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite as an anode for lithium-ion battery”, 6th 2016 Collaborative Conference on 3D and Materials Research (CC3DMR), 2016/06/20~2016/06/24, Songdo Convensia(松島國際會展中心), Incheon/Seoul, South Korea (南韓,首爾), Oral presentation.
- Po-Chia Huang, Hsin-I Wang , Sanjaya Bahma, Sheng-Chang Wang*, Jow-Lay Huang, “Synthesis and characteristics of layered SnS2 nanostructures via hot injection method”, The 18th International Connference on Crystal Grouwth and Epitaxt, August 7-12, 2016, Nagoya, Japan, Poster.
- Woan Jwu Liauh, Ying-Hsuan Chen, Sanjaya Brahma, Sean Wu*, Jow-Lay Huang, Ding-Fwu Lii, Wen-Kuan Yeh, and Zhi-Xun Lin, “Characteristics of Reactively Sputtered ScxAl1-xN films on ST-X Quartz for Surface Acoustic Wave devices”, International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (ICCGE), Aug. 07-12, 2016, Nagoya, Japan, Oral presentation.
- Jow-Lay Huang, “Engineering Si3N4 based nanocomposites with high wear resistance (Invited speech)”, 2016中國顆粒學會第九屆學術年會,成都(中國大陸),國際家園酒店,2016年8月12-14日。並主持第五分會場:超微顆粒材料:session 3。
- Jow-Lay Huang, “(Invited speech)”, 2017第十一屆海峽兩岸工程材料研討會,元智大學,桃園市,臺灣2017年3月23-25日。
- Chia-Ling Wu, Po-Chia Huang, Sanjaya Brahma, Jow-Lay Huang, Sheng-Chang Wang*, “MoS2-MoO2 composite electrocatalysts by hot-injection method for hydrogen evolution reaction”, 10th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics (AMEC-10, 2016), 2016年12月4-7日,GIS TAIPEI TECH Convention center, Taipei, Taiwan.
- 許博淵,黃肇瑞,1992.〝TiB2/Si3N4複合陶瓷韌化機構的探討(II)〞,中國材料科學學會81年度會論文集,pp.472-473。NSC 79-0210-D006-30.
- 石崑昑,黃肇瑞,1992.〝烷氧鈦與起始劑對於溶膠-凝膠法合成氧矽鈦碳粉末影響之研究〞,中國材料科學學會81年度年會論文集,pp.224-225.
- 許博淵,黃肇瑞,1992.〝TiB2/Si3N4複合陶瓷韌化機構之探討〞,中華民國第二屆破壞科學研討會論文集,pp.266-271。NSC 79-0210-D006-30.
- 黃肇瑞,1993.〝結構陶瓷的應用一切削工具和防彈板〞,陶瓷材料研究成果發表及應用技術研討會論文集,(任會議主持人),p.105-109。NSC 79-0210-D006-30.
- 紀志明,黃肇瑞,1993.〝碳化矽/氮化鋁複合材料之研究〞,中國材料科學學會82年度年會論文集,pp.2-41至2-43。NSC 81-0404-I006-16.
- 黃肇瑞,83年12月22日.〝射出成型技術製作氮化矽複合材料,〞電子陶瓷,磁性材料,結構陶瓷專題計劃成果發表會,任會議主持人),清華大學,新竹。NSC 83-0618-E006-003.
- 黃肇瑞,李慶雄,83年1月21日,“鋁/氮化鋁複合材料之顯微組織與機械信性質”輕金屬基複合材料與其他相材料研討會,中山大學,高雄市,NSC81-0405-E006-646
- 黃肇瑞, 許博淵,83年月21日~22日,“反應磁控濺射Ti-Al-N陶瓷鍍層改良切削工具的研究〞硬膜材料研究成果及應用技術發表會,成功大學, 台南市NSC-82-0405-E006-214
- 黃肇瑞,洪敏雄,黃啟祥,83年2月25日~26日.〝陶瓷切削工具材料之製程開發及表面被覆技術的研究〞。第二屆陶瓷研究成果及應用技術發表會,(邀請講座),台灣大學,台北市。NSC 82-0405-E006-236.
- 丁儷美,黃肇瑞,1994.〝二次燒結對Si3N4微結構之影響〞,中國材料年會83年會論文集,p412-413。NSC 83-0405-E006-039.
- 吳柏勳,黃肇瑞,1994.〝以射出成型技術製作具複雜形狀的氮化矽零件之研究〞。中國材料年會83年會論文集,p416-417。NSC 83-0618-E006-003.
- 李明東,黃肇瑞,1994.〝氮化處理後之TiC/Si3N4複合陶瓷化學反應之研究,〞中國材料年會83年會論文集,p402-403。NSC 82-0210-D006-004.
- 許博淵,李丁福,黃肇瑞,1994.〝Ti-Al-N薄膜的AES成份定量分析研究〞,中國材料年會83年會論文集,p476-477。NSC 82-0405-E006-214.
- 許博淵,李丁福,黃肇瑞,1994.〝氮氣流量對反應濺射Ti-Al-N鍍層性質之影響〞。中國材料年會83年會論文集,p644-645。NSC 82-0405-E006-214。
- 黃肇瑞,Dec 19, 1994. "Investigation of Reactive Sputtered Ti-Al-N Films", 中斐材料科技研討會,成功大學,台南。 NSC 82-0405-E006-214.
- 黃肇瑞, 李明東,盧鴻華,李丁福, 1995, "碳化鈦/氮化矽基複合材料之研究" 陶業研究學會年會, (任會議主持人),工業技術學院, .Nsc 83-0404-D006- 001 1.
- 許博淵,李丁福,黃肇瑞,1995.〝基板偏壓對於TiAlN鍍層性質與反應氮氣流量關係之影響〞,中國材料年會84年會論文集,p256-257。NSC 84-2216-E012-001.
- 林政鴻,黃肇瑞,1995.〝氣氛對於射出成形氮化矽熱脫脂行為影響之研究",中國材料年會84年會論文集,p50-51。NSC 84-2216-E006-055.
- 周峰吉,黃肇瑞,1995.〝層狀氮化矽複合材料之研究",中國材料年會84年會論文集,p122-123。NSC 84-0405-E006-015.
- 涂國基,黃肇瑞,栗愛綱,1995.〝常壓燒結Al2O3/Cr3C2複合材料之研究",中國材料年會84年會論文集,p344-345, NSC85-2216-E006-034
- 黃肇瑞,1995年11月17日, PVD表面被覆技術及目前應用狀況研討會論文集 p31-54, 慶齡工業技術發展中心, (邀請講座),"濺射鍍膜之原理,方法與應用"
- 林明弘,黃肇瑞,“中介層對於TiAlN陶瓷鍍膜性質之研”1996年4月21日, "" 中華民國陶業研究學會年會論文集,p13-20, ,工業技術學院, NSC 84-2216-E012-001. .
- 黃俊傑,黃肇瑞,“Cr3C2射出成形之製作,機械性質,及微結構分析的探討”1996年4月21日, "" 中華民國陶業研究學會年會論文集,p59-66, ,工業技術學院, NSC85-2216-E006-034 .
- 孫士堯,黃肇瑞,“添加劑對於富鋁尖晶石耐火材料合成及侵蝕影響之研究”1996年4月21日, "" 中華民國陶業研究學會年會論文集,p 67-74, ,工業技術學院, .
- 張晏榕,黃肇瑞,“層狀Si3N4複合材料製程作及機械性質之研究”1996年4月21日, "" 中華民國陶業研究學會年會論文集,p113-120, ,工業技術學院, NSC 84-0405-E006-015. 論文獲碩士組第二名
- 黃肇瑞,1996.〝以射出成型技術製作具複雜形狀的氮化矽元件的技術開發〞粉末射出成型研究成果與實務研討會。臺灣大學,NSC 83-0618-E006-003
- 鄭慶安,黃肇瑞, 1996“ 氧化鋁陶瓷複合材料射出成形技術在工業上之應用” 粉末射出成型研究成果與實務研討會,臺灣大學,NSC 85-2216-E006-034
- 黃肇瑞, 潘建勳,1997年,五月11日,成功大學 "以BCl3與氨氣製作氮化硼之產物反應率計算" 中華民國陶業研究學會八十六年年會暨國科會陶瓷研究計劃成果發表會,Nsc 86-2623-D006- 005
- 黃肇瑞, 施政宏,1997年,五月11日,成功大學 "氧化鐿助燒結劑對氮化矽陶瓷機械性質影響之研究" 中華民國陶業研究學會八十六年年會暨國科會陶瓷研究計劃成果發表會,Nsc 86-2216-E006- 039
- 黃肇瑞, 盧鴻華,1997年,五月11日,成功大學 "添加b相氮化矽晶種對於氮化矽基陶瓷材料微結構的影響" 中華民國陶業研究學會八十六年年會暨國科會陶瓷研究計劃成果發表會,Nsc 86-2216-E006- 039
- 黃肇瑞,林浩東,1997年,五月11日,成功大學 "Cr3C2/Al2O3複合材料R-曲線行為之研究" 中華民國陶業研究學會八十六年年會暨國科會陶瓷研究計劃成果發表會,Nsc 86-2216-E006- 026
- 李丁福,黃肇瑞,1997年,五月11日,成功大學 “以反應磁控濺射TiAlN陶瓷鍍層的耐磨耗性研究”,邀請演講, 中華民國陶業研究學會八十六年年會暨國科會陶瓷研究計劃成果發表會,NSC 84-2216-E012-001.
- 黃肇瑞, 1997年,五月11日,成功大學 "高性能氮化矽基材料的設計,高溫性質及微結構", 邀請演講,中華民國陶業研究學會八十六年年會暨國科會陶瓷研究計劃成果發表會,Nsc 86-2216-E006- 039
- 施政宏, 劉見成,黃肇瑞,1999年,五月2日,臺灣大學 "在α氮化矽粉末添加β-晶種對微結構與機械性質的影響" 中華民國陶業研究學會八十八年年會暨國科會陶瓷研究計劃成果發表會,Nsc 88-2216-E006- 010黃肇瑞,1997.”氮化矽基複合材料常溫及高溫性質的改良",中國材料年會86年年會論文集,p65-68,NSC 86-2216-E006-039.
- 王世明,黃肇瑞,林浩東, 1997.” Cr3C2/Al2O3複合材料R-曲線行為和可靠性之研究 ",中國材料年會86年年會論文集,p73-76,NSC 86-2216-E006-026
- 劉見成 ,黃肇瑞,” 粉末軋延狀複合材料之研究 “中國材料年會86年年會論文集,p20.
- 陳慶雲,孫士堯,黃肇瑞, 1997.,中國材料年會86年年會論文集,p163.
- 崔立人,潘建勳,黃肇瑞, 1997.” "以BCl3與氨氣低壓化學氣相沉積氮化硼薄膜之研究 ",中國材料年會86年年會論文集,p168,NSC86-2623-D006-015
- 劉見成 ,黃肇瑞, 1998.,中國材料年會87年年會論文集 P74”氮化矽陶瓷發展之近況及面臨的挑戰”.
- 陳慶雲,黃肇瑞, 1998.,中國材料年會87年年會論文集P72”六偏磷酸鈉對於氧化鋁-氧化鎂泥漿流變性質及合成尖晶石耐火材料影響之研究”.
- 鄭慶安,黃肇瑞, 1998.,中國材料年會87年年會論文集P113” Cr3C2/Al2O3複合材料之靜態和動態疲勞與R-曲線行為"NSC 86-2216-E006-026
- 劉見成,黃肇瑞,1999年,五月2日,臺灣大學 "在α氮化矽粉末添加β-晶種對微結構與機械性質的影響" 中華民國陶業研究學會八十八年年會暨國科會陶瓷研究計劃成果發表會,Nsc 88-2216-E006- 010
- 駱榮富,甘明吉,黃肇瑞, 盧鴻華,1999年,五月2日,臺灣大學 "氮化矽材料之深切緩進研磨加工條件對其表面特種性與加工性質的影響" 中華民國陶業研究學會八十八年年會暨國科會陶瓷研究計劃成果發表會,Nsc 88-2216-E006- 010
- 陳慶雲,黃肇瑞, 1999. 11月21日,文化大學,中華民國礦冶工程學會年會88年年會論文集” 六偏磷酸鈉對於氧化鋁-氧化鎂泥漿流變性質影響之研究”.
- 賈穎昌,姚寶順,黃肇瑞,中華民國第八屆國防科技學術研討會, 1999. 11月20日,中正理工學院,”以反應磁控濺鍍法於壓克力上被覆氧化銦錫薄膜之研究”
- 羅文賾,黃肇瑞, ,1999.,中國材料年會88年年會論文集P183”以反應式濺鍍二氧化錫薄膜應用於感測一氧化碳氣體之研究"
- 劉見成,黃肇瑞,1999年, 中國材料年會88年年會論文集P105” "在α氮化矽粉末添加β-晶種對微結構與機械性質的影響". Nsc 8 9-2216-E006- 034
- 甘明吉,駱榮富, 盧鴻華,黃肇瑞, 1999年, 中國材料年會88年年會論文集P107"氮化矽陶瓷之研磨加工條件對工件除去機制與表面完整性的影響",Nsc 88-2216-E006- 010
- 姚寶順,黃肇瑞,2000年,”氧化銦錫薄膜內應力和其附著幸性質之研究”,公元二千年中華民國鍍膜科技研討會暨國科會計畫研究成果發表會論文集 p86-88, Sept.1-2, 2000鹿港
- 黃肇瑞,2000年,”“反應磁控濺射法在壓克力基材上被覆氧化銦錫薄膜及其耐磨耗’抗反射性質改良之研究”,公元二千年中華民國鍍膜科技研討會暨國科會計畫研究成果發表會論文集 p89-92, Sept.1-2, 2000鹿港,Nsc 89-2216-E006- 033
- 劉見成,黃肇瑞, 2000年, 中國材料年會89年年會論文集P101"具導電性之氮化鈦氮化矽複合材料的加工與特性研究",2000義守大學
- 林振富,黃肇瑞, 2000年, 中國材料年會89年年會論文集P184"TiAlN薄膜於銅矽間殘留應力之探討",2000義守大學
- 林素霞,黃肇瑞, 2000年, 中國材料年會89年年會論文集P185 "ITO/AlOx薄膜的光學性質之探討",2000義守大學
- 甘明吉,黃肇瑞,2001”國際環境材料之發展,選擇和應用”,第七屆海峽兩岸環境保護研討會, April 21-25,2001大陸武漢
- 張佳媛,黃肇瑞,2001年,五月19日,文化大學 “退火對於氧化銻錫薄膜影響之研究”,, 中華民國陶業研究學會90年度年會暨學術論文發表會,NSC 89-2216-E012-003.
- 劉見成,黃肇瑞,2001年,五月19日,文化大學 “氮化鈦/氮化矽複合材料的放電加工研究”,,中華民國陶業研究學會90年度年會暨學術論文發表會,NSC 89-2216-E006-034.
- 李丁福,黃肇瑞,張佳媛”反應磁控濺射氧化銻錫薄膜之電性與光穿透性之研究”2001年中華民國鍍膜科技研討會暨國科會計畫研究成果發表會論文集 p50, Aug. 30-31, 2001,鹿港NSC89-2216-E012-003
- 甘明吉,黃肇瑞,葉文挺,宋健民,李丁福, “Amorphous Diamond Deposited By Cathodic Arc: The Characterization For Field Emission Applications””2001年中華民國鍍膜科技研討會暨國科會計畫研究成果發表會論文集 p52, Aug. 30-31, 2001,鹿港
- 吳朗,陳炳輝,張天益,黃肇瑞, 2001年, 中國材料年會90年年會論文集 "以溶膠凝膠法製備鋯鈦酸鉛陶瓷塊材最佳化條件之研究I ",2001 中興大學
- 盧鴻華,黃肇瑞,2001年,中國材料年會90年年會論文集P84”氮化矽陶瓷材料的微結構對R曲線行為及高溫機械性質影響之研究”,2001中興大學,Nsc 88-2216-E-006-010
- 甘明吉,黃肇瑞,李丁福,葉文挺,宋健民,2001年,中國材料年會90年年會論文集P168”Microstructure, bonding structure and surface morphology of amorphous diamond-like carbon deposited by cathodic arc” 2001中興大學(年會論文比賽佳作)
- 李丁福,黃肇瑞,張佳媛,林素霞,2001年,中國材料年會90年年會論文集P178”反應磁控濺鍍氧化銻錫薄膜之電性與光穿透性之研究” 2001中興大學,Nsc 89-2216-E-012-003
- 黃肇瑞,”奈米科技在新世代結構陶瓷的發展及應用”,中華民國陶業研究學會91年度年會舉辦奈米科技在尖端陶瓷工業的可能應用研討會主講人。
- 黃肇瑞,李俊德,2002年,5月19日,台灣大學,”氮化矽陶瓷材料之高溫動態疲勞性質之研究”中華民國陶業研究學會九十一年年會暨國科會陶瓷研究計畫成果發表會,NSC89-2216-E-006-071
- 黃肇瑞,李紹民,2002年,5月19日,台灣大學,”奈米碳化矽/氮化矽複合陶瓷之製備、微結構及機械性質之研究”中華民國陶業研究學會九十一年年會暨國科會陶瓷研究計畫成果發表會
- 黃肇瑞,彭康泰,2002年,5月19日,台灣大學,”以有機金屬化學沈積技術及燒結製程製備奈米級矽化鉬/氮化矽複合陶瓷的研究”中華民國陶業研究學會九十一年年會暨國科會陶瓷研究計畫成果發表會,NSC90-2216-E-006-060
- 黃肇瑞,張天益, 2002年,5月19日,台灣大學,”利用溶膠-凝膠法配置鋯鈦酸鉛陶瓷粉末之研究”中華民國陶業研究學會九十一年年會暨國科會陶瓷研究計畫成果發表會
- 宋健民,甘明吉,黃肇瑞,2002年,6月27日,台灣大學凝態科學研究中心,”奈米碳基材料之微發電機與微冷卻面”,2002奈米科技學術研討會暨國科會成果發表會
- 甘明吉,黃肇瑞,宋健民,李丁福,羅鴻鈞,陳貴賢, 2002年,6月27日,台灣大學凝態科學研究中心,”Electron field emission characteristics of nano-structureed amorphous diamond”, 2002奈米科技學術研討會暨國科會成果發表會
- 姚寶順、黃肇瑞, “Characterization of Silicon Nitride Films on High Speed Steel by R.F. Reactive Magnetron Sputtered” 2002年中華民國鍍膜科技研討會暨國科會計畫研究成果發表會論文集 p1-4, Aug. 30-31, 2002, 台南崑山科技大學
- 李丁福、甘明吉、黃肇瑞、宋健民, “陰極電弧沈積奈米結構無晶鑽石膜之電子場發射性質之研究” 2002年中華民國鍍膜科技研討會暨國科會計畫研究成果發表會論文集 p203-208, Aug. 30-31, 2002, 台南崑山科技大學
- 林素霞、黃肇瑞, “以射頻磁控濺鍍法製備氧化鋅薄膜的結構與光學性質之研究” 2002年中華民國鍍膜科技研討會暨國科會計畫研究成果發表會論文集 p81-84, Aug. 30-31, 2002, 台南崑山科技大學
- 羅文賾, 李俊德, 黃肇瑞, 2002年, 中國材料年會91年年會論文集-論文摘要集P38(PC-49), “添加氧化鐿之氮化矽陶瓷的高溫動態疲勞行為研究”
- 李丁福, 甘明吉, 黃肇瑞, 2002年, 中國材料年會91年年會論文集-論文摘要集P63(PF-28), “奈米結構非晶鑽石膜之電子場發射性質之研究”
- 黃惟聖, 彭康泰, 黃肇瑞, 2002年, 中國材料年會91年年會論文集-論文摘要集P110(PL-26), “利用氣相化學沈積技術製備耐米級陶瓷複合材料的研究”
- 姚寶順、黃肇瑞、李丁福, “以反應濺鍍奈米結晶氮化鋁鈦/非晶氮化矽複合薄膜之研究”, 2003年中華民國鍍膜科技研討會暨國科會計畫研究成果發表會論文集 B17, sep.26-27, 2003, 新竹交通大學大學
- 林素霞、黃肇瑞, “以氧化鋅中介層增進氧化鋁薄膜的結晶性及光學性質之研究”,2003年中華民國鍍膜科技研討會暨國科會計畫研究成果發表會論文集 D03, sep.26-27, 2003, 新竹交通大學大學
- 孫士堯、黃肇瑞、吳政道 , “氧含量對於低溫蒸鍍IMO導電膜光電性質影響之研究”2003年中華民國鍍膜科技研討會暨國科會計畫研究成果發表會論文集 D05, sep.26-27, 2003, 新竹交通大學大學
- 甘明吉、黃肇瑞、李丁福、宋健民、張孝國, “奈米結構無晶鑽石薄膜之電子場發射均勻性、再現性及穩定性之研究”, 2003年中華民國鍍膜科技研討會暨國科會計畫研究成果發表會論文集 F12, sep.26-27, 2003, 新竹交通大學大學
- 宋人豪, 姚寶順, 黃肇瑞, 2003年, 中國材料年會92年年會論文集-論文摘要集P70(PD-017), “濺鍍參數對氮化鋁薄膜從優取向之影響,台南崑山科技大學
- 阮建龍, 姚寶順, 黃肇瑞,陳貞夙, 2003年, 中國材料年會92年年會論文集-論文摘要集P239 (OL-005), “反應濺鍍Zr-Al-N薄膜應用於薄膜電容擴散阻障層之研究,台南崑山科技大學
- 倪沅錩, 羅文賾, 黃肇瑞,李丁福, 盧鴻華, 2003年, 中國材料年會92年年會論文集-論文摘要集P49 (OC-006), “熱壓燒結Ti3SiC2陶瓷材料之微結構及機械性質之研究 ,台南崑山科技大學
- 黃肇瑞,”,“Nanostructured (Ti,Al)xN1-x/SiyN1-y Composite Films For Cutting Tool Applications”,2004年中華民國鍍膜科技研討會暨國科會計畫研究成果發表會論文集, 及2004 Asian CVD-III, The 3rd Asian Conference On Chemical Vapor Deposition, 12-14 November 2004, Taipei, Taiwan., 邀請演講. 及Session Chairman of “硬膜Session”.
- 黃肇瑞, 盧鴻華2004年, 中國材料年會邀請演講, Invited Review Speech, “Recent Advances Of Ceramic Matrix Composites”,新竹工研院,
- 張天益,黃肇瑞,”Effects Of Drying Temperature On The Characteristics Of Sol-Gel Derived Lead Zirconate Titanate Powders”, 2004年, 中國材料年會,新竹工研院.
- 林浩東,黃肇瑞,”Preparation Of Nanometer-sized Cr2O3 Particle Dispersed On Alumina Particles By MOCVD In Fluidized Reactor”, 2004年, 中國材料年會,新竹工研院.年度論文比賽佳作獎
- 孫士堯,黃肇瑞,”Effects Of H2 On The Electrical Properties Of Indium-Molybdenum Oxide Films During High Density Plasma Evaporation”, 2004年, 中國材料年會,新竹工研院,
- R. C. Wang (王瑞琪), C.P. Liu (劉全璞), J. L. Huang (黃肇瑞), and S. J. Chen (陳樹人) "Efficient field emission from novel ZnO nano-pencils, nano-pipes, and nanowalls" 2005 台灣物理年會,中山大學.
- 李李京桓,盧鴻華,黃肇瑞,“添加金屬硝酸鹽於氮化矽奈米粉末製備O’-SiAlON製程及微結構之研究”, 中華民國陶業研究學會九十四年年會暨學術論文發表會,94年5月25日,:台南,
- 3:24~3:36 靳元良林浩東黃肇瑞王聖璋“以有機金屬化學氣相沈積法配合流體床技術及熱壓燒結製程製備碳化鉻/氧化鋁奈米複合陶瓷之微結構與機械性質研究”,中華民國陶業研究學會九十四年年會暨學術論文發表會,94年5月25日,:台南,獲碩士组佳作獎.
- 張天益黃肇瑞吳朗”Sol-Gel derived Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Thin Film :The Effect of the Heating Rate for Preheating Region,”, 中華民國陶業研究學會九十四年年會暨學術論文發表會,94年5月25日,:台南,
- 林振富張天益黃肇瑞,”Ba-Mg-Nb-Ta-O系列陶瓷之燒結性質與微波介電性質之研究”,中華民國陶業研究學會九十四年年會暨學術論文發表會,94年5月25日,:台南,
- 黃肇瑞,”Application of nanotechnology in enhancing energy conversion of photoelectrochemical cells”成大中山微奈米科技聯合成果發表會專題邀請演講,94年6月24日成功大學.
- 王瑞琪,黃肇瑞,”ZnO Hexagonal Arrays Of Nanowires Grown On Nanorods”,成大中山微奈米科技聯合成果發表會,94年6月24日於成功大學.獲海報競賽第一名傑出獎.
- Chien-Cheng Li, Jow-Lay Huang, and Chia-Hao Chen, “HRXPS Photoelectron Study of the Activation Process in Non-evaporable Porous Ti Getter Films”, NSRRC Eleventh Users’Meeting and Workshops, Oct. 25-26, 2005, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
- 黃肇瑞,”奈米科技在提昇太陽能轉換效率之應用”, 先進奈米材料應用研討會,邀請演講, 94年10月26日崑山科技大學
- 黃肇瑞”2005奈米國家型科技計劃成果發表會”, Taiwan Nano Tech 2005,台北國際會議中心94年9月21-23日
- 林浩東, 黃肇瑞, 2005年, 中國材料年會94年年會論文集, “Investigation on Carbonizing Behaviors of Nanometer-sized Cr2O3 Particles Dispersed on Alumina Particles by MOCVD in Fluidized Bad “, , 94年11月25-26日,淡江大學
- 羅文賾, 黃肇瑞, 李丁福, 盧鴻華, 2005年, 中國材料年會94年年會論文集-壁報論文摘要 P-57, “以熱壓燒結法製備Ti3SiC2 陶瓷材料及其微結構與機械性質之研究, 94年11月25-26日,淡江大學獲94年度中國材料科學學會大會暨國科會專題計畫研究成果發表會論文獎佳作.
- 李京桓, 盧鴻華, 黃肇瑞, 2005年, 中國材料年會94年年會論文集-壁報論文摘要 P-59, “反應熱壓燒結法製備O,SiAlON 製程及微結構之研究, 94年11月25-26日,淡江大學
- 黃肇瑞, 李丁福, 盧鴻華, 2005年, 中國材料年會94年年會論文集-壁報論文摘要 P-60, “以擠壓鑄造法製作氧化鋁/A356鋁合金複合材料均勻性分析之研究, 94年11月25-26日,淡江大學
- 羅文賾, 黃肇瑞, 鄭慶安, 2005年, 中國材料年會94年年會論文集-壁報論文摘要 P-65, “熱壓燒結 Ti3SiC2 動態疲勞與高應變率之破壞行為研究, 94年11月25-26日,淡江大學
- 黃肇瑞, 2005年, 中國材料年會94年年會論文集-邀請演講O-29, “關鍵鍍膜技術在高科技產業的應用, 邀請講座
- 蘇彥勳, 賴韋豪, 洪敏雄, 黃肇瑞, 2005年, 中國材料年會94年年會論文集-口頭演講 O-50, “Surface Plasmon Resonance, Spectroscopic Ellipsometer, and Electrical Properties of Au Nanoparticles Deposited on the Glass Substrate, 94年11月25-26日, ,淡江大學
- 賴韋豪蔡原宗蘇彥勳洪敏雄黃肇瑞2005年, 中國材料年會94年年會論文集-口頭演講 O-59, ”Synthesis of Tungsten Oxide Particles by Chemical Deposition Method, 94年11月25-26日, ,淡江大學
- 黎建成、黃肇瑞、林瑞進、李丁福、陳家浩、林弘萍,〝以磁控濺鍍法製備非蒸發型多孔鈦鋯釩氣體吸附薄膜及性質研究〞,2005薄膜與奈米科技研討會暨國科會專題計劃研究成果發表會論文集,94年12月23~24日,南投縣日月潭, 獲2005薄膜與奈米科技國際研討會暨國科會專題計畫研究成果發表會硬質薄膜組優秀論文獎",
- 吳囿蓉、王武章、黃肇瑞、盧鴻華,〝氧氣流量對反應磁控濺鍍氧化鎢薄膜電致色變性質之研究〞,2005薄膜與奈米科技研討會暨國科會專題計劃研究成果發表會論文集,94年12月23~24日,南投縣日月潭
- 宋人豪、黃肇瑞、盧鴻華、宋健民、甘明吉,〝C軸取向氮化鋁薄膜應用於鑽石表面聲波濾波器之研究〞,2005薄膜與奈米科技研討會暨國科會專題計劃研究成果發表會論文集,94年12月23~24日,南投縣日月潭
- 陳慶雲、黃肇瑞、D.R.Sahu(狄比南)、盧鴻華、林士淵,〝以磁控共濺鍍法製作ZnO:In透明導電薄膜並探討氧氣流量對光電性質的影響〞,2005薄膜與奈米科技研討會暨國科會專題計劃研究成果發表會論文集,94年12月23~24日,南投縣日月潭
- 林素霞、黃肇瑞、洪瑗焄,〝摻雜鈦的氧化鋅薄膜性質之研究〞,2005薄膜與奈米科技研討會暨國科會專題計劃研究成果發表會論文集,94年12月23~24日,南投縣日月潭
- 呂順清黃肇瑞王聖璋林浩東,”有機金屬化學氣相沈積法搭配流體床技術製備奈米碳化鉻/氧化鋁複合陶瓷材料之機械性質研究”,陶業研究學會年會2006年5月,台北市福華國際文會館
- 張天益王聖璋林振富黃肇瑞,”Effects of modified PVA solution on the Novel Core-Shell Microstructure an CompositionalDistribution of Sol-gel Derived PZT films”,陶業研究學會年會2006年5月,台北市福華國際文會館
- 林振富盧鴻華張天益黃肇瑞,”氧化銅助燒結劑添加於Ba[Mg1/3(Nb1/4Ta3/4)2/3]O3陶瓷之燒結與微波介電性質之研究”,陶業研究學會年會2006年5月,台北市福華國際文會館
- 黎建成,黃肇瑞,林瑞進,陳家浩,李丁福,”Advanced Characterization of Non-evaporablePorous Ti and Ti-Zr-V Getter Films By Synchrotron Radiation Photoemission Spectroscopy, 國家同步輻射研究中心第十二屆用戶年會暨研討會學生組海報論文競賽第二名, 2006,10月,新竹
- 黎建成、黃肇瑞、林瑞進、李丁福、陳家浩、林弘萍,“以磁控濺鍍法成長非蒸發型多孔鈦及鈦鋯釩氣體吸附薄膜及性質研究”,2006能源與光電薄膜科技研討會暨國科會專題計畫研究成果發表會論文集,95年10月27~28日,南投惠蓀林場。
- 李昇頤, 王聖璋,陳貞夙,黃肇瑞,2006 “鍍膜與熱處理條件對離子束濺鍍鈦鋁氮薄膜之電性及熱穩定性之影響”, 中國材料科學學會95年年會論文集
- 郭建麟,劉全墣,黃肇瑞,王瑞琪, 2006 ”氧化鋅奈米結構:奈米棒,奈米梳子,奈米叢束結構的合成與陰極發光分析”, 中國材料科學學會95年年會論文集
- 羅文賾, 李京桓, 黃肇瑞, 盧鴻華, 李丁福, 2006 ”熱壓燒結法製備Ti3SiC2陶瓷材料的微結構與合成機制之研究”,中國材料科學學會95年年會論文集
- 周尚南、黃肇瑞、鄭慶安、羅文賾、李丁福、盧鴻華,”陶瓷基抗彈複合材料之研究”,第15屆國防科技學術研討會暨95年度國防科技學術合作計畫成果發表會論文集p233-240,中華民國九十五年十一月三十日、十二月一日,桃園、龍潭可望園區學習中心
- 2007年中國化學會海報論文競賽優等獎,郭建麟,劉全墣,王瑞琪,黃肇瑞”Arrays of Single-crystalline Al Doped ZnO Cubic and Rectangular Nanorods”
- 吳囿蓉, 黃肇瑞, 宋人豪, "氧氣流量對反應磁控濺鍍氧化鎳薄膜電致色變性質之研究",2007年陶業年會論文集
- 宋人豪, 黃肇瑞, 宋健民, 吳囿蓉, "沈積Wurtizitic (B,Al)N 薄膜於多晶鑽石薄膜基材之研究" , 2007年陶業年會論文集
- 周尚南、盧鴻華、李丁福、黃肇瑞,“以擠壓鑄造法製作氧化鋁/鋁合金複合材料性質及破壞行為之研究”,中華民國陶業研究學會2008年年會,中華民國九十七年五月八日,台中,逢甲大學
- 羅文賾,薛乃瑞,盧鴻華, 黃肇瑞“熱壓燒結製備陶瓷複合材料及其反應機制之研究”,中華民國陶業研究學會2008年年會,中華民國九十七年五月八日,台中,逢甲大學
- 黃肇瑞,”以奈米科技促進太陽能光電轉換效率及其在,提昇優質生活環境的應用”
- Invited Speech,功能性鍍膜論壇,邀請演講,中國材料科學學會2009年年會論文集,Sept 21-22,臺北科技大學
- 阮建龍, 李丁福, 陳貞夙, 黃肇瑞, 2008年, “基板偏壓效應對反應濺鍍之氮化鋯擴散阻障層薄膜的影響”, 學生論文獎佳作獎,2008年中國材料科學學會年會-論文摘要集p.121, 2008年11月21~22日, 台北市, 國立台北科技大學.
- 李昇頤, 王聖璋, 李丁福, 陳貞夙, 黃肇瑞, 2008年, “Evaluation of ion beam sputter deposited TiAlN films for metal-insulator-metal (Ba,Sr)TiO3 capacitor application”, 2008年中國材料科學學會年會-論文摘要集p.118, 2008年11月21~22日, 台北市, 國立台北科技大學.
- 宋人豪, 黃肇瑞, 王聖璋, 宋健民, 2008年, “Oriented (Al,B)N Nanocrystals on Diamond Film for Cooling LED with High Power”, 2008年中國材料科學學會年會-論文摘要集p.36, 2008年11月21~22日, 台北市, 國立台北科技大學.
- 郭建麟, 梁譽瀚, 王瑞琪, 黃肇瑞, 劉全璞, 黃俊翰, 張宏仁, 2008年, “藉由改變種子層的外觀控制摻雜鋁的氧化鋅奈米線陣列的密度”, 2008年中國材料科學學會年會,學生論文獎優等獎.-論文摘要集p.215, 2008年11月21~22日, 台北市, 國立台北科技大學.
- Chien-Cheng Liu, Fei-Lung Lu, Kuang-Yi Liu, Jow-Lay Huang, “Annealing effects on optical and electrical properties of antimony tin oxide thinfilms”,第六屆全國精密製造研討會論文集,崑山科技大學,台南,永康,中華民國九十七年十一月八日
- 陳又菱、王聖璋、黃肇瑞、宋健民, “以液相磊晶法製備SiC單晶”, 2009年陶業學會年會,台灣科技大學, 2009年5月22日
- 宋奕輝、盧鴻華、黃肇瑞, “添加B2O3對YAlO3陶瓷之微結構及微波介電性質的影響”, 2009年陶業學會年會,台灣科技大學, 2009年5月22日
- 高瑋嶸、黃肇瑞、李丁福, “磁控濺鍍製備ZrO2:Sm3+之結構與發光性質”, 2009年陶業學會年會,台灣科技大學, 2009年5月22日
- 馮浩偉、黃肇瑞、盧鴻華, “:利用水解法合成奈米氮化鈦/氮化矽複合材料之微結構”, 2009年陶業學會年會,台灣科技大學, 2009年5月22日
- 郭建霖,王瑞琪,黃肇瑞,劉全樸, ”p-n型氧化亞銅/氧化鋅異質接面奈米線陣列的合成與光電性質分析”, 2009年中國材料科學學會年會, 2009年11月26~27日, 花蓮市, 國立東華大學.
- 沈祐民,王聖璋,黃肇瑞, “高序光學奈米材料在多孔薄膜上的合成與性質之研究”, 2009年11月26~27日, 花蓮市, 國立東華大學.
- 吳明修,黃肇瑞, “YSZ/LSMO 雙層膜導電性質研究”, 2009年11月26~27日, 花蓮市, 國立東華大學.
- 劉光益、黃肇瑞、王聖璋“以磁控濺鍍法製備之氧化鉭薄膜於電致色變之應用”,中華民國陶業研究學會2010年年會學術論文,2010年5月28日台中(中興大學惠蓀林場).
- 劉柏宗、林浩東、黃肇瑞“利用噴流床與火花放電燒結技術製備碳化鉻/氧化鋁奈米複合材料之研究”,中華民國陶業研究學會2010年年會學術論文,2010年5月28日,台中(中興大學惠蓀林場).
- 吳孟穎,宋人豪,黃肇瑞,宋健民,吳信賢,李丁福“超高壓電係數之C軸取向氮化鈧鋁薄膜應用於鑽石表面聲波元件之研究”,2010年臺灣材料科學學會年會,學生論文獎佳作獎, 2010 年11月義守大學
- 黃奕齊,盧鴻華,,黃Pramoda K. Nayak,肇瑞, “以HP與SPS燒結法製備氮化矽陶瓷材料及其微結構與機械性質之研究”, 2010年臺灣材料科學學會年會, 2010 年11月義守大學
- 李京桓,盧鴻華,黃肇瑞,” 以Spark Plasma Sintering(SPS)法製備奈米氮化矽基複合陶瓷之燒結機制與微結構之研究”, 2010年臺灣材料科學學會年會, 2010 年11月義守大學
- 許展榮,Pramoda K. Nayak,宋健民,王聖璋,黃肇瑞,” Equilibrium segregation of graphene on polycrystalline Ni surfaces by chemical vapor deposition”, 2010年臺灣材料科學學會年會, 2010 年11月義守大學
- 王純敏,黃俊傑,黃肇瑞,” 離子束濺鍍法成長二氧化錫透明導電薄膜之光電性質探討”, 2010年臺灣材料科學學會年會, 2010 年11月義守大學
- 阮建龍、黃肇瑞、盧鴻華、 陳貞夙、 李丁福, “鉭含量對反應濺鍍氧化鉭之微結構與電性質的影響”, 台灣鍍膜科技協會年會暨國科會專題研究計畫成果發表會, 海報論文比賽優等獎, 2010年12 月11,12日 彰化明道科技大學.
- 李佩庭,王聖璋, Pramoda K. Nayak, 宋健民, 黃肇瑞,台灣鍍膜科技協會年會暨國科會專題研究計畫成果發表會, 海報論文比賽佳作獎, 2010年12 月11,12日彰化明道科技大學.
- Ming-Hsiu Wu, Jow-Lay Huang, Kuan-Zong Fung, Ding-Fwu Lii,2010年,“Conductivity study of porous yttria-doped zirconia and strontia doped lanthanum manganite bilayer film by electron beam deposition”, 2010年台灣鍍膜科技協會年會-論文摘要集, 2010年12月10~11日, 彰化縣埤頭鄉, 明道科技大學.
- 李京桓、盧鴻華、P. K. Pramoda、黃肇瑞*, “以Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS)技術製備β相氮化矽基奈米複合陶瓷的燒結機制與晶體成長行為之研究”,中華民國陶業研究學會 2011年學術論文暨陶瓷研究計畫成果發表會,大同大學中華民國100年5月28日,獲頒博士生組優等論文獎
- 沈祐民潘誌煌王聖璋黃肇瑞*, “晶種層輔助電化學沉積法成長有序ZnO/AZO/PAMs奈米陣列之研究”,中華民國陶業研究學會 2011年學術論文暨陶瓷研究計畫成果發表會,大同大學中華民國100年5月28日,獲頒博士生組優等論文獎
- 黃奕齊,黃肇瑞,黃奕齊、盧鴻華、Pramoda K. Nayak、李京桓、黃肇瑞*, ” 利用碳熱還原法製備單一相奈米氮化矽陶瓷材料之研究”,中華民國陶業研究學會 2011年學術論文暨陶瓷研究計畫成果發表會,台北大同大學中華民國100年5月28日,碩士生組第三名
- 王純敏、黃俊傑、黃肇瑞, “紫外雷射退火製備新穎氧化錫銻覆層,中華民國陶業研究學會 2011年學術論文暨陶瓷研究計畫成果發表會,台北大同大學中華民國100年5月28日,
- 蘇柏瑞、劉浩志、李京桓、黃肇瑞, “以電化學阻抗分析探討SPS製備Si3N4-TiC與Si3N4-TiN奈米複合陶瓷之微結構與導電機制”,中華民國陶業研究學會 2011年學術論文暨陶瓷研究計畫成果發表會,台北大同大學中華民國100年5月28日,
- Ching-Lin Wu, Chun-Kai Wang, Chung-Kwei Lin, Sheng-Chang Wang, Jow-Lay Huang, “Preparation, characterization and electrochromic property of nanostructured tungsten oxide films by surfactant-assisted process “, Taiwan Associated for Coating and Technology International Thin Films Conference, Howard Beach Resort, Kenting Taiwan, 2011 Nov. 20-23, International Thin Films Conference.
- Chun-Kai Wang, Ching-Lin Wu, Chung-Kwei Lin, Sheng-Chang Wang, Jow-Lay Huang, “Characterization of electrochromic tungsten oxide film prepared by electrochemical anodization of RF-sputtered tungsten films”, Taiwan Associated for Coating and Technology International Thin Films Conference, Howard Beach Resort, Kenting Taiwan, 2011 Nov. 20-23, International Thin Films Conference.
- 王俊凱. 林中魁, 吳京霖, 王聖璋, 黃肇瑞, “以電化學陽極化製備多孔氧化鎢電致色變薄膜-熱處理溫度之影響”, 2012中國材料科學學會年會論文集, (2012) pp. 617-619.
- 吳京霖, 王俊凱, 林中魁, 王聖璋, 黃肇瑞, “界面活性劑F-127添加量對氧化鎢薄膜結構與電致色變性質之影響”, 2012中國材料科學學會年會論文集, (2012) pp. 641-643.
- 吳明修,黃肇瑞,李丁福*,“成長於多孔YSZ上Pt之厚度對燃料電池的影響”,2013中國材料科學學會年會,2013年10月18-19日,國立中央大學。
- 陳偉修、林浩東、黃肇瑞,「火花電漿燒結製備碳化鎢-氧化鋁奈米複合材料之微結構研究」,2013中國材料科學學會年會,桃園,台灣(10/18-10/19/2013)
- Chien-Hsun Chu, Hung-Wei Wu andJow-Lay Huang, “Comparison of AZO/Ag/AZO and AZO/Mo/AZO multilayer thin films on optoelectronic properties for high quality transparent electrodes,” 2013 Taiwan Vacuum Society, Tainan, Taiwan.(Oral presentation)
- Chien-Hsun Chu, Hung-Wei Wu andJow-Lay Huang, “Investigation of Tri-layer AZO/Mo/AZO thin films Prepared by RFMagnetron Sputtering,” 2013Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference, Chung-Li, Taiwan.(Oral presentation)
- Chien-Hsun Chu(朱建勳), Hung-Wei Wu* and Jow-Lay Huang, “Annealing effects of AZO/Au/AZO multilayer transparent conductive thin films”, 2014 Taiwan Association for Coatings and Thin Films Technology (TACT台灣鍍膜科技協會年會),國立聯合大學(八甲校區)。2014年10月17、18日。口頭報告獎競賽-佳作 (Oral presentation). 海報論文獎競賽-優勝 (Poster presentation).
- Pin-Hung Chen (陳品宏)†, Sean Wu (吳信賢)‡, Ding-Fwu Lii (李丁福)3, Jow-Lay Huang (黃肇瑞)†, “Characterization and Piezoelectric Properties of Reactively Sputtered C-axis Orientation ScAlN Films on Y-128° LiNbO3” , 2014 Taiwan Association for Coatings and Thin Films Technology (TACT台灣鍍膜科技協會年會),國立聯合大學(八甲校區)。
- 王心邑, 黃肇瑞, 王聖璋*, “利用熱裂解法製備SnS2層狀奈米結構”, 2014 Taiwan Association for Coatings and Thin Films Technology (TACT台灣鍍膜科技協會年會),國立聯合大學(八甲校區)。
- 龍澤昇1† 盧鴻華2 李丁福3 黃肇瑞1,4‡, “利用電子束蒸鍍法製備具遮蔽近紅外光特性的CsxWO3薄膜”, 2014 Taiwan Association for Coatings and Thin Films Technology (TACT台灣鍍膜科技協會年會),國立聯合大學(八甲校區)。
- Jia-Wen Ruan1† (阮佳玟) Jyh-Ming Ting(丁志明) 2 Jow-Lay Huang(黃肇瑞)1,3‡, “The Ag2O-MnO2 nanowire-covered porous spheres supercapacitor electrode for enchaned capacity and conductivity”, 2014 Taiwan Association for Coatings and Thin Films Technology (TACT台灣鍍膜科技協會年會,2014台灣鍍膜科技協會年會暨科技部專題計畫研究成果發表會),國立聯合大學(八甲校區), 10/17~18。
- 朱建勳、吳宏偉、黃肇瑞,“利用射頻磁控濺鍍法在不同濺鍍功率下製備氧化鋅摻雜鋁(AZO)薄膜”,2014奈米技術與材料研討會,大葉大學,彰化,台灣,2014年12月12日。(Oral presentation)。
- 林聿銘、朱建勳、吳宏偉、黃肇瑞,“探討氫氣退火溫度對氧化鋅摻雜鋁(AZO)薄膜之材料及光電特性影響”,2014奈米技術與材料研討會,大葉大學,彰化,台灣。(Oral presentation)。
- 黃肇瑞,“邀請演講-新穎的鑽石基表面聲波元件的研究現況與未來展望”,2014 Taiwan Association for Coatings and Thin Films Technology (TACT台灣鍍膜科技協會年會,2014台灣鍍膜科技協會年會暨科技部專題計畫研究成果發表會),國立聯合大學(八甲校區), 10/17~18。
- 李京桓、盧鴻華、黃肇瑞,「氮化矽/氮碳化鈦奈米複合陶瓷之顯微結構與磨耗行為分析」,中國鑛冶工程學會103年年會 10月16~18日,國立台北科技大學,台灣。
- 林聿銘、朱建勳、吳宏偉*、黃肇瑞,“探討氧氣退火在不同退火溫度對氧化鋅摻雜鋁(AZO)薄膜之材料及光電特性影響”, 2015/05/22 ~ 2015/05/22,2015微電子技術發展與應用研討會,高雄海洋科技大學,高雄,台灣。(Oral presentation)
- 朱建勳、吳宏偉*、黃肇瑞,“High Optical Modulation and IR-Suppression Electrochromic Device Based on WO3/AZO/Au/AZO Structure”,20151023,2015中國礦冶工程年會,國立高雄大學,高雄,台灣。(Oral presentation)
- *翁紹婕 張家欽 侯朝鐘 #黃肇瑞, “利用化學法合成α-MnO2奈米針及氧化石墨烯材料並應用於鋰離子電池負極材料”, 20151120~20151121, 104年中國材料科學學會年會, 地點: 高雄市中鋼公司。
- *陳品宏 廖婉竹 李丁福 # 吳信賢 黃肇瑞, “氮化鈧鋁/鈮酸鋰基板之表面聲波濾波器之研究”, 20151120~20151121, 104年中國材料科學學會年會, 地點: 高雄市中鋼公司。
- *蕭智翔1 陳依孺1 劉全璞1 #黃肇瑞1, “利用磁控濺鍍法沉積氧化鎂鋅薄膜之光電特性分析”, 中國材料科學年會(MRS), 11/19~11/20, 2016, 新竹縣工研院(海報)。