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- B.Y. Shew, and J.L. Huang,1992. "Investigation of Chemical Reaction in TiB2/Si3N4 Composites", Materials Science and Engineering, A159, 127-133. NSC79-0210-D006-30. EI/SCI
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- J.L. Huang and C.J. Lin, 1993. "The Role of Elastic Properties Mismatch in the Failure of Ceramic Composite", Journal of Materials Science, 28, 1074-1080 . NSC79-0405-E006-27.EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang, and C.H. Li, 1994. "Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Nitride-Aluminum Composite", J. of Materials Research, Vol 9, no.12, 3153-3159 NSC 81-0405-E006-646.EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang, S.Y. Chen, and M.T. Lee, 1994. "Microstructure, Chemical Aspects and Mechanical Properties of TiB2/Si3N4 and TiN/Si3N4 Composites", J. of Materials Research, Vol.9, No.9, 2349-2354. NSC 582-0210-D-006-004.EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang, and K.B. Li, 1994. "The Effects of Heat Treatment On B203-Contained ZnO Varistor", J. Mater, Res., Vol. 9, No.6, p.1526-1532. NSC 81-0115-C006-01.EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang, K.C. Shih, and S.K. Chen, 1994. "Synthesis and Thermal Stability of Si-Ti-C-O Compounds", Ceramics International, 20,293-297.EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang, H.L. Chou, 1994. "Microstructure and Chemical Reaction In A Si3N4-TiC Composite", J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 77[3] 705-710. NSC 79-0210-D006-30.EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang, F.J. Kuo, and S.Y. Chen, 1994. "Investigation of Microstructure And Crack Behaviors In Hot-Pressed TiB2/Si3N4 Composites", Materials Science and Engineering, A174, 157-164. NSC 80-0405-E006-49.EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang, and H.L. Chou ,1994. "Microstructure and Fracture Behavior of Hot-Pressed TiC/Si3N4 Composites", Ceramic International, 20, 49-55. NSC 79-0210-D006-30.EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang and J.M. Jih, 1995. "Investigation of SiC-AlN System : PartI. Microstructure and Solid Solution", Journal of Materials Research, vol. 10, no.3, 651-658. NSC81-0404-E006-646.EI/SCI
- B.Y. Shew and J.L. Huang, 1995. "The Effects of Nitrogen Flow On Reactive Sputtered Ti-Al-N Films", Surface and Coatings Technology, 71, 30-36. NSC 82-0405-E-006-214. EI/SCI
- B.Y. Shew and J.L. Huang, 1995. "Quantitative AES Investigation of Magnetron Sputtered Ti-Al-N Films", Surface and Coatings Technology, 73, 66-72 . NSC 82-0405-E006-214. EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang and S.Y. Chen, 1995. "Investigation of Silicon Nitride Composites Toughened with Prenitrided TiB2", Ceramics International, 21, 77-83. NSC 83-0404-D006-001.EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang and J.M. Jih, 1995. "Investigation of SiC-AlN : Part III. Static and Dynamic Fatigue", J. Materials Res., Vol. 10, No. 10, 2488-2493. NSC81-0404-E006-646.EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang, L.M. Din, H.H. Lu, and W.H. Chan, 1996. "Effects of Two-step Sintering On The Microstructure of Si3N4", Ceramics International. 22, 131-136. NSC 82-0405-E006-236. EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang and J.M. Jih, 1996. "Investigation of SiC-AlN : Part II, Mechanical Properties", Journal of American Ceramic Society. 79 [5] 1262-64. NSC 81-0404-E006-646.EI/SCI
- J.L.Huang, L.M.Din and H.H.Lu, 1996, "Effects of Containing-Crucibles On Microstructure of Si3N4", British Ceramics Transactions, Vol.95, No.2, 75-78. NSC82-0405-E006-236 , , EI/SCI
- J.L.Huang, D.W.Kuo and B.Y.Shew, 1996, "The Effects of Heat Treatment On The Gas Sensitivity of Reactive Sputtered SnO2 Films", Surface And Coatings Technology", 79, 263-267., , EI/SCI
- J.L.Huang, S.W. Chen, H.H. Lu, and W.H. Chan, 1996, "Role of Pore Structure In the Nitridation of Silicon/Silicon Nitride Compacts", Ceramics International. 22, 27-31.NSC80-0405-E006-25, EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang, M.T. Lee, H.H Lu, and D.F. Lii, 1996, "Microstructure, Fracture Behavior and Mechanical Properties of TiN/Si3N4 Composites", Mater. Chem. and Phys. 45, 203-210. NSC 83-0404-D006-001.EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang, F.C. Chou, and D.F. Lii, 1996,“Mechanical Behaviors of Si3N4-SiC/ Si3N4- Si3N4 Layered Composites”, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan. 104 [8]699-704., NSC 84-0405-E006-015.EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang, M.T. Lee, H.H. Lu, and D.F. Lii, 1996, “Microstructure , Chemical Reaction and Mechanical properties of TiC/ Si3N4 and TiN-coated TiC/ Si3N4 Composites”, Journal of Materials Science., 31, 4899-4906. NSC 83-0404-D006-001.EI/SCI
- D.F. Lii , J.L. Huang, K.C. Twu, and A.K. Li, 1996, “Investigation of Al2O3/Cr2C3 Composites Prepared By Pressureless Sintering (Part 1)”, Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 104 [9]796-801. NSC 85-2216-E006-034. EI/SCI
- J.L.Huang and H.L. Chiu, “Chemical Reaction and Fracture Behavior of Hot-Pressed Si3N4-TiC Composites”, 1996, Ceramic Transactions, Vol. 38, Advances In Ceramic-Matrix Composites, pp397-414, Edited by Narottam. P. Bansal (Invited Paper)
- J.L. Huang, B.S. Wu, and D.F. Lii, 1996, “Optimization of Injection Moulding Process for Silicon Nitride Components”, Powder Metallurgy., Vol.39, No.4, 291-295., NSC83-0618-E006-003.EI/SCI
- B.Y. Shew, J.L. Huang, and D.F. Lii,1997, “Influence of RF Substrate Bias On Properties of Reactive Sputtered TiAlN Films”, Surface Engineering., Vol.13, No.2, 133-138, NSC84-2216-E012-001.EI
- B.Y. Shew, J.L. Huang, and D.F. Lii, 1997, “Effects of RF Bias and Nitrogen Flow Rates On the Reactive Sputtering of TiAlN Films”, Thin Solid Films, 293, 212-219. NSC84-2216-E012-001.EI/SCI
- J.L.Huang, Y.L. Chang, and H.H. Lu, 1997, “ Fabrication of Multilaminated Si3N4-Si3N4/TiN Composites and its anisotropic fracture behavior”, Journal of Materials Research, Vol.12, No.9, 2337-2344, NSC83-0405-E006-039.EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang, F.C. Chou, and H.H. Lu, 1997, “Investigation of Si3N4-TiN/ Si3N4- Si3N4 Trilayer Composites With Residual Surface Compression”, J. Mater. Res., Vol. 12, No.9, 2357-2365. NSC84-0405-E006-015.EI/SCI
- J.L.Huang, Boy-Yuan Shew, Ding-Fwu Lii, “Investigation of TiC/Si3N4 and TiN-Coated TiC/Si3N4 Composites”, 1997, Ceramic Transactions, Vol.39, Advances In Ceramic-Matrix Composites, Accepted, Edited by Narottam. P. Bansal (Invited Paper), In Press
- J.L. Huang, K.C. Twu, D.F. Lii, and A.K. Li,1997, “Investigation of Al2O3/Cr2O3 Composites Prepared by Pressureless Sintering (Part II)”, Journal of Materials Chemistry and Physics, 51, 211-215. NSC85-2216-E006-034. EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang, S.Y. Sun, and Y.C. Ko,1997 ,“Investigation of High Alumina-spinel : Effects of LiF and CaCO3 Addition”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 80 [12] 3237-41.EI/SCI
- D.F.Lii, J.L.Huang, B.Y.Shew, 1997 “Oxidation Behaviors of PVD TiAlN Films”, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 132-136 (1997) pp 1505-1506, EI .
- J.L. Huang, C.H. Lin, H.H. Lu, and D.F. Lii,1998, “The Effects of Atmosphere on The Thermal Debinding Of Injection Moulded Si3N4 Components”, Ceramics International, 24, 99-104. NSC84-2216-E006-055.EI/SCI
- D.F. Lii , J.L. Huang, and M.H. Lin , , 1998, “The Effects of TiAl Interlayer On PVD TiAlN Films”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 99, 197-202. NSC 82-0405-E-006-214, EI/SCI
- D.F. Lii, 1998, “The Effects of Aluminum Composition On the Mechanical Properties of Reactively Sputtered TiAlN Films”, J. of Materials Science, 33 , 2137-2145. NSC 84-2216-E012-001.EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang,C.A. Jeng, H.H. Lu, and C.C. Liu, 1998, “Injection-Molded Cr3C2/Al2O3 Components”, ATM ,Advances In Technology Of Materials And Materials Processing Journal, Vol.1 [1] 23-33. EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang, , B.Y. Shew , D.F. Lii, 1998, “Investigation of Ti-Al-N Films”, “Advances In Technology Of Materials Processing”.
- J.L. Huang, H.H. Lu, and Chien-Chen Liu, 1998 , “Challenges Facing Silicon Nitride Development”, ATM Advances In Technology Of Materials And Materials Processing Journal, Vol.1 [1] 66-69. EI/SCI
- D.F.Lii, 1998, “Wear Behaviors of TiAlN Films Deposited on Plasma Nitrided High Speed Steel”, Surface Engineering, vol. 14, no.4, 305-308. NSC 82-0405-E-006-214.EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang, B.Y. Shew, and D.F. Lii,1998, “Modeling of Reactively Sputtered TiAlN Films”, Thin Solid Films, 335, 122-126. NSC 82-0405-E-006-214.EI/SCI
- J.L.Huang, H.H. Lu, C.C.Liu, 1999 “The Facing Challenge of Silicon Nitride”, Key Engineering Materials, Vol 161-163,(1999) pp 199-202, EI .
- J.L. Huang, J.J. Huang, C.A. Jeng, and A.K. Li,1999, “Investigation of Al2O3/Cr3C2 Composites Prepared By Pressureless Sintering, 3” Ceramics International, 25, 141-144. NSC85-2216-E006-034.EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang, and B.Y. Shew, 1999, “Effects of Aluminum Concentration On the Oxidation Behaviors of Reactively Sputtered TiAlN Films” J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 82 [3] 696-704. NSC 84-2216-E012-001.EI/SCI
- D.F.Lii, J.L.Huang, J.J.Huang, H.H. Lu,1999, “The Interfacial reaction in Cr3C2/Al2O3 Composites”, J. Mater. Res., Vol.14, No.3, 817-823. NSC85-2216-E006-034.EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang, S.Y. Sun, and C.Y. Chen, 1999, “Investigation of High Alumina-spinel : Effects of LiF and CaCO3 Addition (Part 2)”, Materials Science and Engineering, A259, 1-7.EI/SCI
- H.H. Lu, and J.L. Huang , 1999, ”Microstructure In Silicon Nitride Containing β(beta)- Phase Seeding, Part 1”, Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 14,No.7, 2966-2973. EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang, C.H. Pan, and D.F. Lii, 1999, ”Investigation of the BN films prepared by low pressure chemical vapor deposition”, Surface and Coatings Technology. 122, 166-175 (1999). EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang, Z.H. Shih, H.H. Lu, and C.Y. Chen, 2000, “The Effects of Post Heat-Treatment On The Microstructure And Fracture Behaviors of Yb2O3-doped Silicon Nitride”, Materials Chemistry and Physics 63 (2000) 116-121 NSC 86-2216-E006-039 EI/SCI
- J.L. Huang, H.D. Lin, C.A. Jeng, and D.F. Lii, 2000, “Crack Growth Resistance of Cr3C2/ Al2O3 Composites”, Materials Science and Engineering A279 (2000) 81-86, NSC85-2216-E-006-034.EI/SCI
- Chien-Cheng Liu, J.L.Huang, 2000,“Micro Elelectrode Discharge Machining Of TiN/Si3N4 Composites”, British Ceramic Transactions 2000 vol.99 No.4 p 149-152 EI /SCI
- Jow-Lay Huang, Yin-Tsan Jah, Bao-Shun Yau,Ching-Yun Chen, 2000,“Reactive magnetron sputtering of indium tin oxide films on acrylics morphology and bonding state” Thin Solid Films 370 (2000) 33-37 ,NSC-87-2326-D-006-013, EI/SCI
- Jow-Lay Huang, Yin-Tsan Jah, C.Y. Chen, B.S. Yau,2000,“ Reactive Magnetron Sputtering Of Indium Tin Oxide On Acrylics- Electric Resistivity and Optical Properties” Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 9 August 2000, 424-427. NSC-87-2326-D-006-013, EI/SCI
- Jow-Lay Huang, Bao-Shun Yau, Ching-Yun Chen, Wen-Tse Lo, D. F. Lii 2001, “The Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Indium Tin Oxide Films With Different Thickness”, Ceramics International. 27 (2001) 363-365 NSC89-2216-E006-033, EI/SCI
- D.F. Lii, Bao-Shun Yau Jow-Lay Huang, Ching-Yun Chen, Wen-Tse Lo, ,2001, “Internal Stress and Adhesive Strength of Reactive Magnetron Sputtered Indium Tin Oxide Films On Acrylic”, Journal Of The Ceramic Society Of Japan109 [1] 9-11 (2001). NSC89-2216-E006-033, EI/SCI
- Horng-Hwa Lu, Jow-Lay Huang ,2001,”Effects of Y2O3 and Yb2O3 On The Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Silicon Nitride”, Ceramics International 27 (2001) 621-628, NSC88-2216-E006-010 EI/SCI
- H.H. Lu, and J.L. Huang , 2001, ” Microstructure And Mechanical Behaviors In Silicon Nitride Containing β- Phase Seeding”, Invited Paper by THERMEC 2000, Journal of Materials Processing Technology. Vol 117, issue 3, 2001. NSC88-2216-E006-010 EI/SCI
- Horng-Hwa Lu, Jow-Lay Huang , 2001,”Microstructure In Silicon Nitride Containing β- Phase Seeding: III Grain Growth and Coalescence”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 84 [8] 1891-95 (2001) NSC88-2216-E006-010 EI/SCI
- Ding-Fu Lii ,Jow-Lay Huang, Wei-Kung Tsai, Wen-Ze luo. Bao-Shun Yau , 2001, “Investigation of Ti1-xAlxN Films As A Diffusion Barrier Between Cu And Si”, Surface Engineering, 2001 Vol. 17, No.4, 295-299, NSC88-2216-E012-002.EI/SCI
- James C. Sung, Sheng-Yi Lee, Hsiao-Kuo Chang, and Jow-Law Hung,2002 “The uniformity of 8 inch polycrystalline diamond films” New diamond and frontier carbon technology, Vol 12, No. 6, 391-397, (2002), EI/SCI
- Ding-Fu Lii ,Jow-Lay Huang, Shao-Ting Chang, 2002, “The Mechanical Properties Of AlN/Al Composite Manufactured By Squeeze Casting”, Journal of The European Ceramic Society, 22 (2002) 253-261.EI/SCI
- W.T.Lo, Jow-Lay Huang, Zan-Hon Shih, D.F.Li,C.T.Li, 2002 “The Effects of Ytterbium Oxide On The Microstructure And R-Curve Behaviors of Silicon Nitride”, Materials Chemistry and Physics.73 (2002) 123-128. NSC 86-2216-E006-039.EI/SCI
- Ding-Fu Lii , Jow-Lay Huang, Li-Jen Tsui and Shaw-Min Lee, 2002, “Formation Of BN Films On Carbon Fibers By Dip-Coating”, Surface And Coating Technology, 150 (2002) 269-276 88-CS-D-006-002
- Jen-Sue Chen, Wen-Tse Lo, Jow-Lay Huang, 2002“Gas Sensitivity Of Reactively Sputtered SnO2 Films”Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan. Vol. 110[1], 18-21, Jan., 2002 EI/SCI
- Ching-An Jeng, Jow-Lay Huang, Shi-Min Wang, Ching-Yun Chen, 2002 “Fatigue and R-curve behavior of an Al2O3-10 vol%Cr3C2 composite”, Journal of Materials Science, 37 (2002) 1869-1873 NSC 85-2216-E006-034.EI/SCI
- Yi-Wang Bao, Sheng-Biao Su, Jow-Lay Huang, 2002 “An Uneven Strain Model For Analysis Of Residual Stress And Interface Stress In Laminated Composites”, Journal of Composite Materials. Vol 36, No.14, P1769-1778, 2002. NSC87-2216-E006-054, EI/SCI
- Horng-Hwa Lu, Jow-Lay Huang , 2002, ”Microstructure Of Silicon Nitride Containingβ- Phase Seeds, Part 2”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 85 [9] 2331-36 (2002). NSC88-2216-E006-010 EI/SCI
- Y.C.Liou, L.Wu, Jow-Lay Huang, C.H. Yu, 2002, “Anisotropy In Piezoelectric Properties Of Calcium-Modified Lead Titanate Ceramics”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol 41 (2002) Pt.1, No. 3A pp.1477-1481. EI/SCI
- L. Wu, B.H.Chen, T.Y. Chang, J.L.Huang, C.L. Huag, 2002,“Evaluation Of Low-Temperature Processing of Lead Zirconate Titanate (53/47) Ceramics Derived From 1-Propanol-Based Sol-Gel Stock Solutions”, Jpn, J. Appl. Phys, Vol 41 (2002) pp 6962-6965. EI/SCI,
- 包亦望,蘇盛彪,楊建軍,黃肇瑞,2002."非均勻應變模型分析非對稱層狀陶瓷的殘餘應力"中國硅酸鹽學報, Vol.30, No.5, October 2002, pp. 579-584.
- 包亦望,蘇盛彪,黃肇瑞, 2002."對稱型陶瓷層狀複合材料中的殘餘應力分析"中國材料研究學報, Vol.16, No.5, October 2002, pp.449-457.
- J.S. Chen, H.L.Li, J.L.Huang, 2002, “Structural and CO Sensing Characteristics of Ti-Added SnO2 Thin Films”, Applied Surface Science 187 (2002) p305-312. EI/SCI
- D.F.Lii, J.L.Huang, Shao-Ting Chang, 2002, “The Mechanical Properties of Squeeze Casting AlN/Al Composite”, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 206-213 (2002) pp 1057-1060. EI.
- J.L.Huang, B.S.Yau, S.S.Lin, D.F.Lii, 2002, “Reactive Magnetron Sputtering of Indium Tin Oxide On Acrylics”, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 2006-213 (2002) pp 507-510. EI/SCI .
- Ching-An Jeng, Jow-Lay Huang, Jen-Fin Lin, 2003, ”Sliding Wear And Fracture Mechanics of Injection Moulded Cr3C2/Al2O3 Composite”, Ceramics International. Volume 29, issue 2, 2003, pp 213-221 , NSC87-2216-E006-041,EI/SCI
- Ching-An Jeng, Jow-Lay Huang, B.W.Huang2003, “Erosion Damage and Residual Stress of Cr3C2/Al2O3 Composites”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 78 (2002) 278-287, EI/SCI
- M. Balog, P. Šajgalík, Z. Lenčéš,J. Kečkéš J.L. Huang,2003, ” Liquid phase sintering of SiC with AlN and rare-earth oxide additives“, The American Ceramic Society,Ceramic Transactions,vol. 142, p191-202, 2003.
- Ching-An Jeng, Jow-Lay Huang, 2003 ,“The Influence of Oxidation On Crack Resistance In Injection Moulded Cr3C2/Al2O3 Composites”, Journal of the European Ceramic Soc. 23 (2003) 1477-1484, EI/SCI
- Yi-Pan, J.L.Huang, C.Y. Shao,2003, “Preparation of β(beta)-TCP With High Thermal Stability By Solid State Reaction Route”, Journal of Materials Science,38 (5), p1049-1056, 2003.EI/SCI
- Chien Cheng Liu, J.L. Huang, 2003, “Effects Of The Electrical Discharge Machining On Strength And Reliability Of TiN/SI3N4 Composites”, Accepted by the Ceramics International Journal, Vol 29/6 pp679-687., EI/SCI
- Su-Shia Lin, J.L.Huang, 2003, “Optical Properties Of ITO/AlOx Thin Films Prepared By Reactive d.c. Magnetron Sputtering”, Ceramics International.Vol 29/7 pp 771-776. NSC-89-2216-E006-033. EI/SCI
- 甘明吉、黃肇瑞,2003 “環境材料之發展及應用” , 中國科技發展精典文庫,第二輯
- Bao-Shun Yau, Jow-Lay Huang, 2003, “Effects Of Nitrogen Flow On R.F. Reactive Magnetron Sputtered Silicon Nitride Films On High Speed Steel”, Accepted, Journal of Surface Coating And Technology. Vol. 176/3 pp290-295. EI/SCI
- Su-Shia Lin, J.L.Huang,2003, “Improved Crystallinity And Optical Properties Of AlOx Thin Films By A ZnO Interlayer”. J. Mater. Res. Vol 18, No.4, April 2003. p965-972. EI/SCI,
- Ming-Chi Kan, Jow-Lay Huang, James Sung, Kuei-Hsien Chen, 2003, “Nano-tip Emission Of Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon” Accepted by Diamond And Related Materials. Vol 12/10-11, pp 1691-1697, 2003.EI/SCI,
- Ming-Chi Kan, Jow-Lay Huang, James C. Sung, Kuei-Hsien Chen, Ding-Fwu Lii, ,2003 “Enhanced field emission from nitrogen doped amorphous diamond” J. Mater. Res. Vol.18, No.7, Jul 2003. P1594-1599EI/SCI,
- Su-Shia Lin, J.L.Huang, D.F. Li, 2003, “The Effects Of r.f. Power And Substrate Temperature On The Properties Of ZnO Films”. Journal of Surface And Coating Technology, vol.176/2 pp173-181, 2003.EI/SCI,
- Ching-An Jeng, Jow-Lay Huang, 2003, “Wet erosion Damage of Cr3C2/Al2O3 Composite”, J, Mater. Res., Vol.18, No.5, May 2003, P1162-1167. EI/SCI,
- D.F. Lii, J.L. Huang and J.F. Lin,, 2003, ”Properties Of Interfaces In Cu/Ti1-xAlxN/<Si> Multilayers”, Surface And Coating Technology176 (2003) p115-123EI/SCI,
- Ming-Chi Kan, Jow-Lay Huang,James C. Sung , D.F.Lii, K. H. Chen, 2003, “Electron emission from nanotips of amorphous diamond”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 21(4), July/Aug, 2003. p1216-1223, EI/SCI,
- Ming-ChiKan, Jow-Lay Huang, James Sung, Ding-Fwu Lii, Kuei-Hsien Chen, 2003, “Field Emission Characteristics Of Amorphous Diamond”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 86 [9] 1513-1517. EI/SCI,
- B.S. Yau, J.L. Huang, M.C. Kan, 2003, “Effects of Substrate Bias On Nanocrystal -(Ti,Al)Nx /Amprphous - SiNy Composite Films”, Journal of Materials Research Vol. 18, No.8, Aug. 2003 p1985-1990. . EI/SCI,
- Su-Shia Lin, J.L.Huang,2003, ”Microstructure And Optical Properties Of AlOx Thin Films Grown On ZnO-Deposited Glass”, Journal of Materials Research.Vol. 18, No.8, Aug. 2003. p1943-1949. EI/SCI
- Ming-ChiKan, Jow-Lay Huang, James Sung,, Ding-Fwu Lii, Bao-Shun Yau, 2003, “Field Emission Of Micro Alumina Cones Coated By Nano-Tips Of Amorphous Diamond”, Accepted by Diamond and Related Materials, Vol 12/9 pp 1610-1614, 2003. . EI/SCI
- Ming-ChiKan, Jow-Lay Huang, James Sung,, Kuei-Hsien Chen, Bao-Shun Yau, 2003, “Thermionic Emission Of Amorphous Diamond And Field Emission Of Carbon Nanotubes”,Carbon. Vol 41/14 pp2839-2845. EI/SCI
- Jow-Lay Huang, Wei-Sheng Huang, Hau-Dung Lin, Kang-Tai Peng, Ding-Fwu Lii, 2003, “Investigation of Ceramic-Matrix Nanocomposites via Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition”, The 3rd cross strait composites materials workshop, Wuhan, China, Key Engineering Materials, vol. 249, pp123-128, EI
- Chien-Cheng Liu, J.L. Huang, 2004, “Influence of TiN Particles On The Wear Behavior Of Silicon Nitride-Based Composites”, J. Mater. Res. Vol. 19, No.2, Feb 2004, p542-549.EI/SCI,
- J.Sung, M.C.Kan, J.L.Huang, 2004, “Thermally Activated Electron Emission From Nano-tips Of Amorphous Diamond And Carbon Nano-Tubes”,International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, April 28-May 2, 2003. San Diego, California, USA, Thin Solid Films, Vol 447-448, pp187-191., EI/SCI..
- B.S. Yau , J.L.Huang, M.C. Kan, D.F. Lii, 2004, “Investigation of nanocrystal-(Ti,AI)N(1-x)amorphous-SiNy composite films”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 22 (2), Mar/Apr 2004, p729-735. EI/SCI,
- Ming-Chi Kan, Jow-Lay Huang, James Sung,, Kuei-Hsien Chen, Bao-Shun Yau, 2004, “Stability of Field Emission Characteristics of Nano-Structured Amorphous Diamond Deposited On Indium-Tin Oxide Glass Substrates”, New Diamond and Frontier Carbon Technology,vol.14, No. 4 ,2004, p249-256 EI/SCI
- Shang-Nan Chou, Jow-Lay Huang, Ding-Fwu Lii, 2004, “The Mechanical Properties of Al2O3/A356 Composite Manufactured by Squeeze Casting”, 8th ECerS European Conference & Exhibition, 2003 (Ecers Istanbul, Turkey 2003), June 30-July 3, 2003, Istanbul, Turkey, Europe, published in “Key Engineering Materials”. Vol. 264-268, (2004) p849-852. EI
- Su-Shia Lin, J.L.Huang,2004, “The Effects Of Thickness On The Properties Of Heavily Al-Doped ZnO Films By Simultaneous r.f. And d.c. Magnetron Sputtering. ”, Ceramics International. Vol 30/4 pp497-501,2004. EI/SCI
- Jow-Lay Huang, Y.Pan, J.Y.Chang,Bao-Shun Yao, 2004, “Annealing Effects On Properties of Antimony Tin Oxide Thin Films Deposited By R.F. Magnetron Reactive Sputtering”, accepted by theSurface And Coating Technology, Vol 184/2-3 pp188-193. EI/SCI
- Su-Shia Lin, J.L.Huang, 2004, “Effects of Thickness On the Structure and Optical Properties Of ZnO Films By r.f. Magnetron Sputtering”, Surface and Coating Technology. Vol 185/2-3 pp222-227. EI/SCI
- Bao-Shun Yau, Jow-Lay Huang, Ding-Fwu Lii, PavolSajgalik, 2004, “Investigation Of Nanocrystal-(Ti,Al)Nx/Amorphous-SiNy Composite Films By Co-Deposition Process”, Surface And Coating Technology, 177-178 (2004) p209-214. EI/SCI
- Su-Shia Lin, J.L.Huang,2004, “The Properties Of Heavily Al-Doped ZnO Films Before And After Annealing In The Different Atmosphere”, accepted bySurface and Coating Technology.Vol 185/2-3, pp 254-263.EI/SCI
- Su-Shia Lin, J.L.Huang, Ding-Fwu Lii,2004”The Effects of Thickness On The Properties Of Ti-Doped ZnO Films By Simultaneous r.f. And d.c. Magnetron Sputtering”, Surface And Coating Technology, Vol 190/2-3, pp 372-377, 2004.EI/SCI
- B.S.Yau, J.L.Huang,Ding-Fwu Lii, 2004 “Effects of Nitrogen Flow Rates on Reactively SputteringNanocrystal-(TiAl)xN1-x/Amorphous-SiyN1-y Nanolaminate Films”, Journal of Materials Research, Vol.19, No.8, p2322-2329, Aug. 2004. EI/SCI.
- S.Y.Sun,J.L.Huang, D.F.Lii, 2004““Effects Of H2 InIndium-Molybdenum Oxide Films During High Density Plasma Evaporation At Room Temperature”.Thin Solid Film, 469-470, (2004) p6-10. EI/SCI.
- Shi-Yao Sun, J.L. Huang, D.F. Lii, 2004“Effects Of Oxygen Contents On The Electrical And Optical Properties of Indium Molybdenum Oxide Films Fabricated By High Density Plasma Evaporation”, J. Vacuum Science and Technology.A22(4), Jul/Aug 2004, p1235-1241.. EI/SCI
- Chien Cheng Liu, J.L. Huang, 2004 “Tribological Characteristics Of Silicon Nitride - Based Composites In Unlubricated Sliding Against Steel Ball”, Material Science and Engineering A, 384 (2004) 299-307. EI/SCI
- Tien-I Chang, Jow-Lay Huang, Jen-Fu Lin, Bing-Huei Chen, Long Wu, H.P.Lin, H.H.Lu,2004 “Effects of Drying Temperature on the Characteristics Of The Lead Zirconium Titanate Powders Prepared by Sol-Gel process”, Materials Transaction , Vol.45, No.11 (2004) p3150-3155. EI/SCI
- Su-Shia Lin, J.L.Huang, P. Sajgalik, 2005 “Effects Of Substrate Temperature On The Properties Of Heavily Al-Doped ZnO Films By Simultaneous r.f. and d.c. Magnetron Sputtering”, Surface and Coating Technology.Vol 190/1, pp39-47. 2005.EI/SCI
- Su-Shia Lin, J.L.Huang, 2005 “The Properties Of Ti-doped ZnO Films Deposited By Simultaneous r.f. And d.c. Magnetron Sputtering ”,Surface And Coating Technology. Vol 191 (2005), pp286-292, EI/SCI
- B.S.Yau, J.L.Huang, H.H.Lu, P. Sajglik, 2005 “Investigation Of Nanocrystal-(Ti,Al)Nx/Amorphous-SiNy Nanolaminate Films”, Surface and Coatings Technology. 194 (2005) 119-127EI/SCI
- D.F.Lii, Jow-Lay Huang, Iau-Jiue Jen, S.S. Lin, P. Sajgalik, 2005, “Effects Of Annealing On The Properties Of Indium Tin Oxide Films Prepared By Ion Beam Sputtering”, Surface and Coatings Technology,192 (2005) p106-111. EI/SCI.
- M. Balog, P. Šajgalík, M. Hnatko, Z. Lenčéš, F. Monteverde, J. Kečkéš,J .L. Huang, 2005 ”Nanoversus Macro-hardness of Liquid Phase Sintered SiC”, accepted by Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 25 [4] (2005) p529-34. EI/SCI
- Yi Pan, Jow-Lay .Huang, Chun-Te Li, Wen-Tse Lo,2005 “Stress Rate Dependence Of Fracture Strength In Pre-Cracked Silicon Nitride Ceramics Doped With Ytterbium Oxide”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 88 [7] 1914-1920 (2005).EI/SCI,
- Su-Shia Lin, J.L.Huang, Ding-Fwu Lii,2005”Effects of Substrate Temperature On The Properties Of Ti-Doped ZnO Films By Simultaneous r.f. And d.c. Magnetron Sputtering”, Materials Chemistry and Physics . Vol 190/1, pp22-30. EI/SCI,
- Chien-Cheng Liu, Jow-Lay Huang, 2005, “Unlubricated Sliding Wear Of TiN Particle Reinforced Si3N4 Matrix Composites Against AISI-52100 Steel Ball”, Key Eng. Mater. Vol 280-283, (2005) p1327-1330. EI/SCI.
- Chien-Cheng Liu, Jow-Lay Huang, 2005“Microstructure and Electrode Discharge Machining of TiN/Si3N4 composites”,Materials Science Forum, Vol 475-479,(2005) p1337-1340. EI/SCI.
- S.Y. Sun, Jow-Lay Huang, D.F. Lii, 2005 “ Properties Of Indium Molybdenum Oxide Films Fabricated Via High Density Plasma Evaporation At Room Temperature”,Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 20, No. 01 P247-255, 2005.EI/SCI
- H.T.Lin, J.L.Huang, W.T.Lou, W.C.Wei, 2005“Investigation On Carbonizing Behavior Of Nanometer-sized Cr2O3 Particles Dispersed On Alumina Particles By MOCVD Fluidized Bed”, accepted by Journal of Materials Research, Vol 20, No. 8, p2154-2160. Aug. 2005. EI/SCI .
- T.I Chang, J.L. Huang, J.F. Lin, L Wu, 2005 “Effects Of Drying Temperature On Phase Transformation, Electric Properties Of Sol-Gel Derived Lead Zirconate Titanate Powders And Ceramics”, Integrated Ferroelectrics Vol 64, p135-143, 2004. EI/SCI .
- Shi-Yao Sun, Jow-Lay Huang, D.F. Lin, 2005 “Investigation Of The Crystallized Mechanisms In The Indium Molybdenum Oxide Films By Vacuum Annealing”, Journal ofMaterials Research, vol 20, no 8, p2030-2037 EI/SCI
- T.I Chang, J.L. Huang, J.F. Lin, L Wu, H.P.Lin, 2005 “Effects Of The Heating Rate For Preheating Process On The Composition And Phase Transformation Of Sol-Gel Derived Lead Zirconate Titanate Thin Film”, The international symposium on integrated ferroelectrics (ISIF) 2005, Integrated Ferroelectrics, Vol 75/2005, p55-68.EI/SCI .
- R.C.Wang, C.P.Liu, J.L.Huang, S.J.Chen,, 2005,“ZnO Hexagonal Arrays Of Nanowires Grown On Nonorods”, Applied Physics Lettrs, 86, 251104 (2005), . Figures were also selected as the cover of Applied Physics Letters June 20,2005 issue. EI/SCI
- R.C.Wang, C.P.Liu, J.L.Huang, S.J.Chen,Y.K.Tseng, S.C. Kung, 2005,“ZnO Nano-pencils: Efficient Field Emitters”, Applied Physics Letters , 87, 013110 (2005), Figure is selected as the cover of Applied Physics Letters 4 July,2005 issue. EI/SCI
- R.C.Wang, C.P.Liu, J.L.Huang, S.J.Chen, 2005,“ZnO Symmetric Nanosheets Integrated With Nanowalls”, accepted byApplied Physics Letters. 87, 053103 (2005) EI/SCI, Also published inVirtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, August 8, 2005 issue.,Figure is selected as the cover of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, August 8, 2005 issue.
- J.L. Ruan, J.L. Huang, J.S. Chen, D.F. Lii, 2005“Effects Of Substrate Bias On The Reactive Sputtered Zr-Al-N Diffusion Barrier Films”, International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, May 2-6, 2005. San Diego, California, USA. Surface and Coatings Technology,. 200 (2005) 1652-1658. EI/SCI,
- Chien-Cheng Li, J.L. Huang, R.J. Lin, Hsiao-Kuo Chang, 2005 “Fabrication And Characterization Of Non-Evaporable Porous Getter Films”, International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, May 2-6, 2005. San Diego, California, USA. Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 200, 5-6, 1351-1355, Nov 2005.EI/SCI,
- Chen-Fu Lin, H.H.Lu, T.I. Chang, J.L.Huang, 2005 “The Influence Of Superlattice And Antiphase Domain Boundaries (APBs) For Dielectric Loss In Ba[Mg1/3(Nbx/4Ta(4-x)/4]2/3]O3 Ceramics”, Applied Physics Letters. 87, 102905-1,-3. EI/SCI .
- D.R. Sahu, B.K. Roul, P. Pramanik, J.L. Huang, 2005“Synthesis Of High Quality La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Materials By Versatile Chemical Technique”, Physica B 369 (2005) 209-214 EI/SCI .
- M.Balog, Pavol Sajgalik, Z Lences, M.Hnatko, J.Keckes, J.L.Huang, J.Janega, R.Horvathova, 2005 “Nano-Indentation of SiC and Si3N4/SiC Ceramic Materials”, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 290, (2005) pp272-276. EI.
- Chen-Fu Lin, H.H.Lu, J.L.Huang, 2006“Microstructural Characteristics and Microwave Dielectric Properties of Ba[Mg1/3(Nbx/4Ta(4-x)/4]2/3]O3 Ceramics”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds , 407 (2006) 318-325, EI/SCI
- Tien-I Chang, J.L.Huang, J.F.Lin, B.H.Chen, L.Wu, 2006 “Effects of Drying Temperature On Structure, Phase Transformation Of Sol-Gel Derived Lead Zirconium Titanate Powders”,Journal of Alloys and Compounds“ , 414 (2006) 224-229. ,EI/SCI,
- D.R. Sahu, S.Y. Lin, J.L. Huang, 2006 “ZnO/Ag/ZnO Multilayer Films For The Application Of A Very Low Resistance Transparent Electrode”, Appleed Surface Science, 252 (2006) 7509-7514 EI/SCI .
- H.T.Lin, W.C.Wei, W.S. Huang, H.H. Lu, S.C. Wang, J.L. Huang, 2006 “Investigation Of Chromium Oxide/Alumina Nano-Composite Via Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition And Densification Process, Materials Science and Engineering B, vol 127/1, pp22-28.
- Hao-Tung Lin, Jow-Lay Huang, Sheng-Chang Wang, Chen-Fu Lin, 2006 “Preparation Of Nanoscale Cr3C2 Particles Dispersed On Alumina Particle by MOCVD In Fluidized Reactor And Carbothermal Treatment”, J of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.417, Issue 1-2, p.214-219, EI/SCI.
- Shang-Nan Chou, J.L. Huang, D.F. Lii, H.J. Lu, 2006 “The Mechanical Properties Of Al2O3/alumina alloy A356 Composite Manufactured By Squeeze Casting”J of Alloys and Compound, vol 419,issues 1-2, p98-102 , EI/SCI .
- R.C.Wang, C.P.Liu, J.L.Huang, S.J.Chen, 2006 “Growth and Field Emission Properties of Single-Crystalline ZnO Conic Nanotubes Synthesized At low Temperature”, Nanotechnology. 17 (2006) 753-757, EI/SCI .
- R.C.Wang, C.P.Liu, J.L.Huang, S.J.Chen,2006 “Single-Crystalline AlZnO Nanowires/nanotubes Synthesized At low Temperature”, Applied Physics Letters. 88 ,023111, EI/SCI . In press.
- D.R. Sahu, J.L. Huang, 2006“Charactercs of ZnO-Cu-ZnO Multilayer Films On Copper Layer Properties”, Applied Surface Science, 253 (2006) 827-832,EI/SCI .
- Diptiranjan R. Sahu, J.L. Huang, 2006 “Dependence Of Film Thickness On The Electrical And Optical Properties Of ZnO-Cu-ZnO Multilayers”, Applied Surface Science, 253 (2006) 915-918,EI/SCI .
- C.C. .Huang, Y.L.Wang, S.C. Chang, G.J. Hwang,J.L.Huang, 2006 “Phase Transformation Of Tantalum On Different Dielectric Films With Plasma Treatment”, Thin Solid Films 498 (2006) 286-288.
- D.R.Sahu, J.L.Huang, 2006 “Design of ZnO/Ag/ZnO Multilayer Transparent Conductive Films”, Materials Science and Engineering B.B 130 (2006) 295-299, EI/SCI .
- M. Balog, P. Sajgalik, F. Hofer, P. Warbichler, K. Frohlich, O. Vavra, J. Janega. J.L. Huang, 2006 “Electrical Conductive SiC-(Nb, Ti)ss – (Nb, Ti) Css Cermet”, J. European Ceramic Society, 26 (2006) 1259-1266. ,EI/SCI
- Chen-Fu Lin, Horng-Hwa Lu, Tien-I Chang, Jow-Lay Huang2006 "Effect of ordered structure and domain boundary on low-loss Ba[Mg1/3(Nbx/4Ta(4-x)/4)2/3]O3 microwave dielectric ceramics" Journal of Materials Research. Vol.21 (2006) no.10 2564-2571. EI/SCI
- Chien-Cheng Li, Jow-Lay Huang, Ran-Jin Lin,Ding-Fwu Lii,2006“Preparation and Characterization of Non-Evaporable Porous Ti-Zr-V Getter Films”, International ConferenceOn Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, May 1-5, 2006. San Diego, California, USA,Surface and Coatings Technology. 201 (2006) 3977-3981. EI/SCI,
- D.R.Sahu, J.-L. Huang,2006 “High Quality Transparent Conductive ZnO/Ag/ZnO Multilayer Films Deposited at Room Temperature”, International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, May 1-5, 2006. San Diego, California, USA,Thin Solid Films. 515 (2006) 876-879. EI/SCI,
- D.R.Sahu,C.-Y. Chen, S.-Y. Lin, J.-L. Huang,2006 “Effect of Substrate Temperature and Annealing Treatment on the Electrical and Optical Properties of Silver Based Multilayer Coating Electrodes”, International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, May 1-5, 2006. San Diego, California, USA, Thin Solid Films.515 (2006) 932-935. EI/SCI,
- Shang-Nan Chou, J.L. Huang, D.F. Lii, H.H. Lu, 2006“The Mechanical Properties And Microstructure Of Al2O3/alumina alloy Compsoites Fabricated By Squeeze Casting ”J of Alloys and Compounds.Vol 436/1-2 pp124-130. EI/SCI .
- Chien-Cheng Li, Jow-Lay Huang, Ran-Jin Lin, Chia-Hao Chen, Ding-Fwu Lii,2006 “Characterization of ActivatedNon-evaporable Porous Ti and Ti-Zr-V Getter Films by Synchrotron Radiation Photoemission Spectroscopy”, International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, May 1-5, 2006. San Diego, California, USA, Thin Solid Films. 515 (2006) 1121-1125. EI/SCI,
- Yi-Wang Bao, Chien-Cheng Liu ,Jow-Lay Huang, 2006 “Effects Of Residual Stress On Strength And Toughness Of Particle-Reinforced TiN/Si3N4 Composite: Theoretical Investigation and FEM Simulation”, Materials Science & Engineering A, 434 (2006) 250-258, EI/SCI
- S.-Y. Lee, J.L. Huang, J.-S. Chen, S.-CWang,2006 “Effects of Deposition and Post-Annealing Conditions on Electrical Properties and Thermal Stability of TiAl Films by Ion Beam Sputter Deposition”, International Conference On Metallurgical Coatings And Thin Films, May 1-5, 2006. San Diego, California, USA, Thin Solid Films. 515 (2006) 1069-1073. EI/SC.
- D. Hunter, K. Lord, T.M. Williams, K. Zhang, A.K. Pradhan, D.R. Sahu, J.L.Huang, 2006“Junction Characteristics of SrTiO3 or BaTiO3 on p-Si (100) heterostructures”, Applied Physics Letters 89, 092102 (2006)
- M.Balog, J.Keckes, T.Schoberl, D. Galusek, F. Hofer, J. Krestan, Z.Lences, J.L. Huang, P. Sajgalik, 2006 “Nano/macro-hardness and fracture resistance of Si3N4/SiC composites with up to 13 wt% of SiC nano-particles, Journal of the European Ceramic Society. Vol.27, Issue 5, p.2145-2152. EI/SCI
- R.C.Wang, C.P.Liu, J.L.Huang, 2006 “ZnO microboxes enclosed only by {0001} facets with epitaxial nanowalls”, accepted by Journal of Applied Physics 89.173121 (2006).Selected for the Nov 2006 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology. EI/SCI .
- P. Sajgalik, M. Hnatko, P. Copan, Z.Lences, J.L. Huang, , 2006 “Influence of Graphite Aditives On Wear Properties Of Hot Pressed Si3N4 Ceramics”, Journal ofCeramic Society of Japan,. 114 [11] (2006) 1061-1068. EI/SC.
- C.C. Huang, J.L. Huang, Y.L. Wang,2006 “Electrical Properties of Fluorine Doped Silicon-Oxycarbide Dielectric Barrier for Copper interconnect”, J. Vacuum Science and Technology B. B24(6), Nov/Dec 2006, p2621-2626. EI/SCI .
- Su-Su-Shia Lin, J.L.Huang, 2006,“ The Properties of Heavily Al-Doped ZnO Films by Simultaneous rf rf and dc Magnetron Sputtering”, Journal:SolidState Phenomena, Vol. 118, 305-310,EI.
- Su-Shia Lin, J.L.Huang, 2006, The Properties of Ti-doped ZnO Films Before and After Annealing in The Different Atmosphere”, Journal:SolidState Phenomena, Vol. 118, 571-576, EI.
- Y.W.Bao, X.X.Bu, Jow-Lay Huang, R.H.Sung, , 2006 “Evaluating Mechanical Properties Of Hard Coatings By Using Relativity Method”, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 313 (2006) pp 53-57 EI.
- Tien-I Chang, Jow-Lay Huang,Sheng-Chang Wang, and Chen-Fu Lin,2006“Effect of PVA adding on the Microstructure and Composition of Sol-gel Derived PZT films” Journal of Integrated Ferroelectrics Volume 85 Issue 1, pp.129-pp.138 (2006).
- D.R. Sahu, S.Y. Lin, J.L. Huang, 2007 “Study On The Electrical and Optical Properties of Ag/Al-doped ZnO Coatings Deposited By Electron Beam Evaporation”, Journal of Applied Surgace Science, 253 (2007) 4886-4890. EI/SCI .
- D.R. Sahu, S.Y. Lin, J.L. Huang, 2007 “Improved Properties of Al-doped ZnO Film By Electron Beam Evaporation Technique”, MicroelectronicsJournal, 38 (2007) 245-250.EI/SCI .
- T.I. Chang, S.C. Wang, C.F. Lin, J.L. Huang, 2007“The Formation Mechanism of the Novel Core–Shell Microstructure inPolyvinyl Alcohol-Additive Lead Zirconate Titanate Films”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 90 [4] 1051–1057 (2007).EI/SCI .
- D.R. Sahu, J.L. Huang, 2007 “Properties Of ZnO/Cu/ZnO Multilayer Films Deposited By Simultaneous RF and dc Magnetron Sputtering At Different Substrate Temperatures”, Microelectronics Journal, 38 (2007) 299-303. EI/SCI .
- Wen-Tse Lo, Ching-An Jeng, J.L.Huang, S.C.Chang, 2007“Investigation of Ballistic Impact Properties and Fracture Mechanics of Ti3SiC2 Ternary Ceramics”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol 455/1-2 pp413-419. EI/SCI .
- C.C. Huang, J.L. Huang, Y.L. Wang, S.C.Chang, 2007 “,Fluorine-Doped Carbide Dielectric Barrier To Improve Copper Interconnect Line-to line Voltage Breakdown”, Electrochemical and Solid state Letters. 10 (3) G8-10 (2007).
- D.R. Sahu, S.Y. Lin, J.L. Huang, 2007 “Deposition of Ag Based Al-doped ZnO Multilayer Coatings For The Transparent Conductive Electrodes By Electron Beam Evaporation”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 91 (2007) 851-855. EI/SCI .
- You-Sheng Lin, Jyh-Ming Ting, Tse-Chuan Chou, Chien-Cheng Li, Jow-LayHuang.2007 “Determining adhesion and hermeticity of interface between encapsulationpolymer and insulating layer of micro-sensing chips via acapacitance-voltage technique” Vol.515, Issue 17, p.6827-6832, Thin Solid Films.EI/SCI .
- W.H.Lai, M.H.Hong, J.L.Huang, 2007 “Layer-by layer Au Nanoparticles As A Schottky Barrier In Water-Based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell”, Applied Physics A, Vol.88, Issue 1, p.173-178. EI
- D.R. Sahu, D.K. Mishra, J.L. Huang, B.K. Roul, 2007“Annealing Effect On The Properties Of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Thin Film Grown On Si Substrates By DC Sputtering”, Physica B, Condensed Mater, 396 (2007) 75-80, EI/SCI .
- Sheng-Yi Lee, S.C. Wang, J.S. Chen, J.L. Huang, 2007 ,“Effects of Nitrogen Partial Pressure On Electrical Properties and Thermal Stability of TiAlN Films By Ion Beam Sputter Deposition”, Surface and Coating Technology Vol 202/4-7, pp977-981,2007. EI/SCI .
- D.R. Sahu, J.L. Huang, 2007 “The Properties of ZnO/Cu/ZnO multilayerd Films Before And After Annealing In The Different Atmosphere”, Thin Solid Films, 516 (2007) 208-211, EI/SCI .
- Chien-Cheng Li, Jow-Lay Huang, Ran-Jin Lin, Ding-Fwu Lii, Chia-Hao Chen, 2007 " characterization of activated non-evaporable Ti–Zr–V getter films by synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy",Thin Solid Films, Vol.515, Issue 3, p.1121-1125, EI/SCI .
- Hao-Tung Lin, Jow-Lay Huang, Sheng-Chang Wang, 2007“Investigation of Hot-Pressed Al2O3-Cr2O3/Cr3C2 Nanocomposite”, Key Engineering Materials Vol.351 (2007) pp 93-97, EI.
- Chien-Cheng Li, Jow-Lay Huang, Ran-Jin Lin, Ding-Fwu Lii, Chia-Hao Chen,2007 “Performance characterization of non-evaporable porous Ti getter films”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A.A 25 (5), Sept/Oct 2007. EI/SCI
- J-H Song, J-L Huang, H-H Lu, J-C Sung, 2007 "Investigation of Wurtizitic (B,Al)N films preapared on polycrystalline diamond", Thin Solid Film, 516 (2007) 223-227, EI/SCI
- Chien-Cheng Li, Jow-Lay Huang, Ran-Jin Lin, Ding-Fwu Lii, Chia-Hao Chen, 2007 "Oxygen-adsorption characterization of activated non-evaporable Ti–Zr–V getter films by synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy", Thin Solid Film, 516 (2007) 378-382, EI/SCI
- H.T.Lin, S.C. Wang, J.L. Huang, S.Y. Chang, 2007 “Processing of Hot Pressed Al2O3-Cr2O3/Cr-Carbide Nanocomposite Prepared By MOCVD In Fluidized Bed””, Journal of the European Ceramic society 27 (2007) 4759-4765. EI/SCI .
- Journal of Materials Education, 2007, “A Multidisciplinary Introductory Nanotechnology Course with Hands-on Experiments”, J.L. Huang, D.R.Sahu C.P. Liu, D.H. Chen, J.J. Wu, J.C. Huang, C.K. Chung4, Y.C. Lee, , D.B. Shieh and Y. Tzeng. Journal of Materials Education 2007, Vol 29. no. 3-4, pp215-234
- D.R. Sahu, Shin-Yuan Lin, J.L. Huang, 2008 “Investigation Of Conductive and Transparent Al-doped ZnO/Ag/Al –doped ZnO Multilayer Coating By Electron Beam Evaporation.”, Thin Solid Films, 516 (2008) 4728-4732, EI/SCI .
- C.C. Huang, J.L. Huang, Y.L. Wang, Y.D. Juang, Y. S.Ho, T. C. Hu,2008 “Preparation of Low Leakage Current Fluorine-Doped Silicon-Oxycarbide By PECVD”,Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 69 (2008) 742-746, EI/SCI .
- Li, Chien-Cheng; Huang, Jow-Lay; Lin, Ran-Jin; Lin, Hong-Ping; Lii, Ding-Fwu; Liu, Chuan-Pu , 2008“ Microstructures, surface areas, and oxygen absorption of Ti and Ti-Zr-V films grown using glancing-angle sputtering”, Journal of Materials Research, Vol.23, Issue 2, p.579-587, 2008. EI/SCI .
- A. K. Pradhan, D. Hunter, T. Williams, B. Lasley-Hunter, R. Bah, H. Mustafa, R. Rakhimov, J. Zhang, D. J. Sellmyer, E. E. Carpenter,D. R. Sahu, J.L. Huang, 2008, “Magnetic properties of La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 thin films on SrTiO3 and buffered Si substrates with varying thickness”, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 103, 023914,2008.
- Shang-Nan Chou, H.H. Lu, D.F. Lii, J.L. Huang, 2009 “Processing and Physical Properties of Al2O3/Aluminum Alloy Composites”, ceramics International 35 (2009) 7–12. EI/SCI
- C.C. Huang, Jow-Lay Huang; Y.L. Wang; K.Y. Lo,2008,“Study of Pretreatment Prior to Silicon-Oxycarbide Deposition on Cu Interconnect”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol B26(1), p96-101. EI/SCI .
- D. R. Sahu, B. K. Roul, P. Pramanik, Jow-Lay Huang,2008,“Synthesis Of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 Nanosized Powder Materials By Versatile Chemical Technique”Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic, and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 38:329-334, 2008, EI/SCI .
- Sheng-Yi Lee, S.C. Wang, Jen-Sue Chen,J.L. Huang, 2008,” "Ion beam sputter deposited TiAlN films for metal-insulator-metal (Ba,Sr)TiO3 capacitor application" , 516 (2008) 7816-7821. Thin Solid Films, EI/SCI .
- Sheng-Chang Wang,., Yuan-Liang Chin, Jow-Lay Huang, 2008,”“Microstructure and mechanical properties of hot-pressing chromiumcarbide/alumina nanocomposite prepared by MOCVD in fluidized bed”, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 28 (2008) 1909-1916. EI/SCI .
- L. Douglas, R. Mundle, R. Konda, C. E. Bonner, A. K. Pradhan,, D. R. Sahu, J-L. Huang, 2008“Influence of doping rate in Er3+:ZnO films onemission characteristics”, April 15, 2008 / Vol. 33, No. 8 / OPTICS LETTERS 815-817. EI/SCI .
- Tien-I Chang*, Sheng-Chang Wang, Chuan-Pu Liu, Chen-Fu Lin, and Jow-Lay Huang*, 2008“Thermal Behaviors and Phase Evolution of Lead Zirconate Titanate Prepared by Sol-Gel Processing: The Role of the Pyrolysis Time before Calcination”. 91[8], 2545-2552, (2008), Journal of American Ceramic Society,EI/SCI .
- Chien-Lin Kuo, Ruey-Chi Wang, Chuan-Pu Liu and Jow-Lay Huang, 2008,“Composition fluctuation induced growth of Al:ZnO rectangular nanorod arrays”, Nanotechnology 19 035605, EI/SCI .
- Chien-Lin KuO, Ruey-Chi Wang, Jow-Lay Huang, Chuan-Pu Liu, Yi-Feng Lai, Cheng-Yu Wang and Hung-Chin Chung, 2008, “ ZnO nanorods with Two Spatially-Distinct Light Emissions”, Nanotechnology,Vol. 19, Issue 28, No. 285703,(2008) EI/SCI .
- D. R. Sahu, L. Y. Hong, Sheng-Chang Wang, Jow-Lay Huang*, 2009,"Synthesis, analysis and characterization of ordered mesoporousTiO2/SBA-15 matrix : effect of calcination temperature", Microporousand Mesoporous Materials, Vol.117, Issue 3, pp.640-649. EI/SCI
- Shang-Nan Chou , Horng-Hwa Lu , Ding-Fwu Lii, Jow-Lay Huang, 2009,“Investigation of residual stress effects in an alloy reinforcedceramic/metal composite”, Journal of Alloys an Compounds. 470 (2009) 117-122, EI/SCI .
- Jian-Long Ruan, Ding-Fwu Lii, Horng-Hwa Lu, J.S. Chen, and Jow-Lay Huang,2009,“Microstructural and electrical characteristics of reactively sputtered ZrNx thin film”,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 478 (2009) 671-675. EI/SCI.
- Jian-Long Ruan, Ding-Fwu Lii, J.S. Chen, and Jow-Lay Huang,2009,“Investigation of substrate bias effects on the reactively sputtered ZrN diffusion barrier films”,Ceramics International, 35 (2009) 1999-2005, EI/SCI.
- J.L. Huang, Horng-Hwa Lu. 2009,“Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti3SiC2 Composites”, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 403 (2009) pp 189-192,EI
- Jen-Hao Song, Sheng-Chang Wang , James C. Sung, Jow-Lay Huang,Ding-Fwu Lii, 2009,“Characterization of Reactively Sputtered C-axis Orientation (Al,B)N Films on Diamond”, Thin Solid Films 517 (2009) 4753-4757. EI/SCI.
- R. Mundle,R.B.Konda, O.Bamiduro, O. Yasar, F. illiams, M. Bahoura,, A.K.Pradhan,D.R. Sahu, J.L. Huang, D.E. Nikonov, 2009, “Manganite-based magnetic tunnel junction with piezoelectric barrier”,Journal of Applied Physics 105, 07C907, 2009.EI/SCI.
- D. R. Sahu, Jow-Lay Huang*,2009,”Development of ZnO based transparent conductive coatings”, Solar Energy and Solar Cells,93 (2009) 1923-1927. EI/SCI
- Chien-Lin KuO,Yu-Han Liang, Jun-Hang Huang, Ruey-Chi Wang,Jow-Lay Huang, Hong-Ren Chang,Chuan-Pu Liu, 2009, “Enhanced Density Control of Al:ZnO Nanowires via One-by-One Coupling of Nanowires and Pyramids”, Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology, Vol.20, 36365603, EI/SCI
- Jow-Lay Chien-Lin KuO , R.C. Wang, Jow-Lay Huang, Chuan-Pu Liu, Chun-KaiWang, Sheng-Po Chang, Wen-Huei Chu, Chao-Hung Wang, Chia-hao Tu,2009 “The Synthesis and Electrical Characterization ofCu2O/Al:ZnO radial p-n junction nanowire arrays”,Nanotechnology,Vol.20, 36365603 EI/SCI
- Sundeep H. Deulkar, Jow-Lay Huang, M. Neumann-Spallart, 2009, “Zinc Oxysulfide Thin Films Grown By Pulsed Laser Deposition”, Journal of Elec. Materi (2009), Vol.39 Issue5 p.p. 589-594, EI/SCI
- Li, CC (Li, Chien-Cheng)[ 2,3 ] ; Huang, JL (Huang, Jow-Lay)[ 2 ] ; Lin, RJ (Lin, Ran-Jin)[ 1 ] ; Lii, DF (Lii, Ding-Fwu)[ 4 ] ; Chen, CH (Chen, Chia-Hao)[ 5 ], 2009, “Activation characterization of non-evaporable Ti-Zr-V getter films by synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy”, THIN SOLID FILMS, VOl: 517 NO: 20 pp.: 5876-5880, EI/SCI.
- Li, CC (Li, Chien-Cheng)[ 2,3,4 ] ; Huang, JL (Huang, Jow-Lay)[ 2 ] ; Lin, RJ (Lin, Ran-Jin)[ 1 ] ; Lii, DF (Lii, Ding-Fwu)[ 5 ] ; Chen, CH (Chen, Chia-Hao)[ 6 ] ; Chen, LC (Chen, Li-Chyong)[ 3 ] ; Chen, KH (Chen, Kuei-Hsien)[ 4 ], 2009, “Characterization of air-exposure/activation cycles of porous Ti-Zr-V getter film using synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy”, THIN SOLID FILMS, Vol: 517 NO: 13 pp.: 3672-3676, EI/SCI.
- Yuan-Liang Chin, W.H. Tuan, Jow-Lay Huang, Chang-An Wang, 2010 “Toughening alumina with layered Ti3SiC2 inclusions”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 491 (2010) 477-482EI/SCI
- Sundeep deulkar, Hwei-Jang yo, Jow-Lay Huang,2010, “TEM based investigations on CVD assisted growth of ZnO nanowires inside nanochannels ofAnodised Aluminum Oxide Template”, International Journal of Nanoscience vol. 9, No. 3 (2010) 225–235.EI/SCI
- Chien-Cheng Liu, Kuang-Yi Liu, Huai-Wei Yan, Chia-Li Ma, Jow-Lay Huang, 2010, “Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of TiN/NbNMultilayered Coating”, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 434-435 (2010) pp 466-468. EI.
- Wen-Tse Lo; Pramoda K Nayak,; Horng-Hwa Lu, Ding-Fwu Lii, Jow-Lay Huang,, 2010, “ Evolution of Binary Phase TiC/Ti3SiC2 Composites from TiC/Ti/Si by Hot-Pressed Reactive Sintering”, Materials Science and Engineering B.172 (2010) 18-23, EI/SCI
- Nayak, Pramoda; Kao, Wei-Jung; Sahu, Diptiranjan; Huang, Jow-Lay; 2010, “Phase Composition and Photoluminescence Properties of RFSputtered Pure and Sm3+ Doped ZrO2 Thin Films”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 93 [10] 3481-3485 (2010), EI/SCI
- Sheng-Chang Wang, How-Tung Lin, Pramoda Kumar Nayak, Shin-Yun Chang, and Jow-Lay Huang, 2010,“Carbothermal Reduction Process for Synthesis of Nanosized Chromium Carbide via Metal Organic Vapor Deposition”, Thin Solid Films, 518 (2010) 7360–7365, EI/SCI
- Jen-Hao Song, Jow-Lay Huang, Sean Wu, Sheng-Chang Wang, Jian-Long Ruan,Ding-Fwu Lii, 2010,“Surface Acoustic Wave Device Properties of (B, Al)N Films on128° Y-X LiNbO3 Substrate”, Applied Surface Science, 256 (2010) 7156-7159.EI/SCI
- Hsiao Kuo Chang, J.L. Huang, James Sung, S.R. Yang, 2010,"Newly-designed Glass Scribing Wheel Made of CVD Diamond Film" the Journal of the American Ceramic Society93 [12] 4122-4128, EI/SCI
- Ming-Hsiu Wu, Jow-Lay Huang, Kuan-Zong Fung and Ding-Fwu Lii, 2010,”Conductivity study of porous yttria-doped zirconia andstrontia-doped lanthanum manganite bilayer film by glancing angle deposition”, Surface and Coatings Technology,205 (2010) 30–34, EI/SCI
- Yu-Min Shen, Yueh-Ting Shih, Sheng-Chang Wang,Pramoda K. Nayak, Jow-Lay Huang, 2010,“Characterization of ordered Cu2O nanowire arrays prepared by heat treated Cu/PAM composite”, Thin Solid Films,519 (2010), pp. 1687-1692 , EI/SCI
- Ching-HuanLee,Horng-HwaLu,Chang-AnWang, Pramoda K. Nayak, Jow-Lay Huang, 2010, “Microstructure and mechanical properties of TiN/Si3N4 nanocomposites by spark plasma sintering (SPS)”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 508 (2010) 540-545, EI/SCI
- S.K. Pradhan, J. Das, P.P. Rout, V.R. Mohanta, S.K. Das, S. Samantray, D.R. Sahu, J.L. Huang,S. Verma, B.K. Roul, 2010, “Effect of holmium substitution for the improvement of multiferroicproperties of BiFeO3”, Jounrnal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 71 (2010) 1557–1564, EI/SCI
- H.K. Chang, J.L. Huang, J.C. Sung 2010“Glass Roller Cutters Made With CVD Diamond”, Diamond Tooling Journal, 2-10 (2010) p25-28. not EI, SCI.
- Ching-Huan Lee, Horng-Hwa Lu, Chang-An Wang, Pramoda K. Nayak, Jow-Lay Huang, 2011, “Influence of conductive nano-TiC on microstructural evolution of Si3N4 based nanocomposites in spark plasma sintering (SPS)”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 94 {3} 959-967 (2011), EI/SCI
- Ching-Huan Lee, Horng-Hwa Lu, Chang-An Wang,Pramoda K. Nayak, Jow-Lay Huang,2011, “Effect of heating rate on spark plasma sintering ofa nanosized β-Si3N4 based powder”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 94 [4] 1182-1190 (2011) EI/SCI
- Ching-Huan Lee, Horng-Hwa Lu, Chang-An Wang, Wen-Tse Lo, Pramoda K. Nayak, Jow-Lay Huang, 2011 “Microstructure and fracture behavior of β–Si3N4 based nanoceramics”, Ceramics International 37 (2011) 641-645 EI/SCI
- J. Das, S.K. Pradhan, D.K. Mishra, D.R. Sahu, S. Sarangi, S. Varma, B.B. Nayak, Jow-Lay Huang, B.K. Roul, 2011 “Unusual ferromagnetism in high pure ZnO sintered ceramics”, Materials Research Bulletin 46 ,42-47 (2011) . EI/SCI
- Hao-TungLin,Pramoda K.Nayak,Sheng-Chang Wang,Shin-YunChang, Jow-Lay Huang, 2011“Electron-energy loss spectroscopy and Raman studies of nanosized chromium carbide synthesized durin carbothermal reduction process from precursor Cr(CO)6”, Journal of the European Ceramic Society,31 (2011) 2481–2487.EI/SCI.
- Jen-Hao Song, Jow-Lay Huang, James Sung, Seng-Chang Wang, Horng-Hwa Lu, Ding-Fwu Lii, 2011 “ Interfacial Microstructure Evolution of (B,Al)N Films Grown On Diamond Substrate”, Thin Solid Films 519 (2011) 4212-4215, EI/SCI .
- Jian-Long Ruan, Jow-Lay Huang, Horng-Hwa Lu, J.S. Chen, Ding-Fwu Lii, 2011 “ Effects of the Ta content on the microstructure and electrical property of reactively sputtered TaxZr1-xN thin films”, Thin Solid Films 519 (2011) 4987-4991, EI/SCI .
- Sheng-Chang Wang, Pramoda K. Nayak, You-Ling Chen, James C. Sung, Jow-Lay Huang, 2011 “ Microstructural Analysis of Single Crystal SiC Prepared by Novel Liquid Phase Epitaxy”, Ceramics International, 37 (2011) p3671-3676, EI/SCI .
- Sheng-Chang Wang, Kuang-Yi Liu, and Jow-Lay Huang, 2011, “ Tantalum Oxide Film Prepared by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering Deposition for All-Solid-State Electrochromic Device”, Thin Solid Film,520 (2011) 1454–1459, EI/SCI .
- Pei-Ting Lee; Pramoda K Nayak, Sheng-Chang Wang, James C Sung, Jow Lay Huang, 2011, “Microstructure Investigation of SiC Films Synthesized from Liquid Phase in Sm-Co melts “, Superlattices and Microstructures,50 (2011) 634–646, EI/SCI
- Lee, CH (Lee, Ching-Huan)1; Lu, HH (Lu, Horng-Hwa)2; Wang, CA (Wang, Chang-An)3; Nayak, PK (Nayak, Pramoda K.)1; Huang, JL*, 2011“Influence of Conductive Nano-TiC on Microstructural Evolution of Si3N4-Based Nanocomposites in Spark Plasma Sintering”, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, Vol 94 Issue 3 (2011) 959-967, EI/SCI
- Yu-Min Shen , Chih-Huang Pan, Sheng-Chang Wang, Jow-Lay Huang, 2011, “Ordered ZnO/AZO/PAM nanowire arrays prepared by seed-layer-assistedelectrochemical deposition”, Thin Solid Films520 (2011) 1532–1540, EI/SCI
- Hao-Tung Lin, Bo-Zon Liu, Wei-Hsio Chen, Jow-Lay Huang, 2012 “ Study of color change and microstructure development of Al2O3-Cr2O3/Cr3C2 nanocomposites prepared by spark plasma sintering”, accepted by Ceramics International, 37 (2011) 2081–2087, EI/SCI .
- Ming-Hsiu Wu, Jow-Lay Huang, Kuan-Zong Fung, Hao-Chih Liu, Ding-Fwu Lii, 2012“Nanostructure and conductivity study of yttria doped zirconia films deposited on samaria doped ceria ”Applied Surface science,257 (2011) 7871–7875, EI/SCI .
- Hao-Tung Lin, Pramoda K. Nayak, Bo-Zon Liu, Wei-Hsio Chen, Jow-Lay Huang, 2012 “Mechanical propertiesof Al2O3-Cr2O3/Cr3C2 nanocomposite fabricated by sparkplasma sintering”, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 32 (2012) 77–83.EI/SCI.
- Jen-Hao Song; Jow-Lay Huang; Tatsuya Omori; James C. Sung; Sean ,Wu; Horng-Hwa Lu; Ding-Fwu Lii, 2012, “Growth of Highly C-axis Oriented (B, Al)N Film on Diamond for HighFrequency Surface Acoustic Wave Devices”, Thin Solid Film, 520 (2012) 2247–2250, EI/SCI .
- Chun-Kai Wang, Diptiranjan Sahu, Sheng-Chang Wang and Jow-Lay Huang, 2012," Electrochromic Nb-doped WO3 films: effects of post annealing" , Ceramics International, 38 (2012) 2829-2833.EI/SCI
- Chan-Jung Hsu, Pramoda K. Nayak, Sheng-Chang Wang, James C. Sung, Chiang-Lun Wang, Chung-Lin Wu, Jow-Lay Huang, 2012,“Spinodal decomposition of Mono- to Few-Layer Graphene on Ni Substrates at Low Temperature:”, Journal of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology,vol 12, 1-6, 2012.EI/SCI
- Chun-Min Wang, Chun-Chieh Huang, Jui-Chao Kuo, Hao-Tung Lin, Jow-Lay Huang, 2012,“Preparing transparent conductive Sn/Sb-O2-x thin films by annealing bi-layer Sb/SnO2 with pulse UV laser” Materials LettersVol 72, April 2012, P29-31. EI/SCI
- Ching-Huan Lee, H.C. Liu, H.H. Lu, Takashi Goto, R. Tu, Chang-An Wang, Sajalik Pavol, J.L. Ruan, P. Nayak, J.H. Chen, Q.U. Chen, Jow-Lay Huang,2012,“ Indentation Deformation and Microcracking in Beta-Si3N4 Based Nanoceramic”, J. Am. Ceram. Soc.,95 [4] 1421–1428, EI/SCI
- Chen, Yuan-Lian; Chang, Yi-Hao; Huang, Jow-Lay; Chen, In-Gann; Kuo, Changshu, 2012,"Light Scattering and Enhanced Photoactivities of Electrospun Titania Nanofibers" accepted by The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116(5), 3857-3865, 2012. EI/SCI
- Sheng-Chang Wang; Pramoda K. Nayak; You-Ling Chen; James C. Sung Jow-Lay Huang; 2012, “Growth of single crystal SiC by liquid phase epitaxy using Sm/Co as unique solvent”, accepted by Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems. Vol. 0(0), p.p.1-5. EI,
- Chun-KaiWang, D R Sahu, Sheng-Chang Wang, Chung-Kwei Lin,Jow-Lay Huang, 2012” Structural evolution and chemical bondsin electrochromic WO3 films duringelectrochemical cycles”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 45 (2012) 225303 (7pp), EI/SCI
- Chien-Cheng Liu, Ku-I Liu, Hao-Tung Lin, Jow-Lay Huang,2012“ Magnetron Sputtering of Tantalum Oxide Thin Film Electrolyte Film for Electrochromic Applicarions”, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 512-515 ( 2012) pp 1604-1608. EI.
- Sahu, DR (Sahu, D. R.); Wu, CL (Wu, Ching-Lin) ; Huang, JL (Huang, Jow-Lay), 2012, “Observation of Quantum Confinement Effect on ZnO Embedded Mesoporous Silica”, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, Vol: 12 NO: 3 pp.: 2543-2547, EI/SCI.
- Chun-Min Wang, Chun-Chieh Huang, Jui-Chao Kuo, Jow-Lay Huang*,2013“Investigation of pulsed ultraviolet laser annealing of Sb/SnO2 thin films on the structural, optical and electrical properties”, Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol: 231 NO: 25 pp.: 374-379. EI/SCI.
- Ching-Lin Wu, Chun-Kai Wang, Chung-Kwei Lin, Sheng-Chang Wang, Jow-Lay Huang, 2013, “Electrochromic properties of nanostructured tungsten oxide films prepared by surfactant-assisted sol-gel process “, Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 231, 25 September 2013, Pages 403–407. EI/SCI.
- Sahu, Diptiranjan, Wang, Ruey-Chi, Kuo, Chien-Lin, Huang, Jow-Lay, 2013, “Growth and Application of ZnO Nanostructures”, accepted by International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology,Volume 10, Issue 5, pages 814–838, September/October 2013. EI/SCI
- Chun-Kai Wang, Chung-Kwei Lin, Ching-Lin Wu, Sanjaya Brahma, Sheng-Chang Wang, Jow-Lay Huang*,2013, “Characterization of electrochromic tungsten oxide film from electrochemical anodized RF-sputtered tungsten films”, Ceramics International, Volume 39, Issue 4, May 2013, Pages 4293–4298. EI/SCI
- Pramoda K. Nayaka, Chan-Jung Hsua, Sheng-Chang Wangb, James C. Sungc, Jow-Lay Huanga*, 2013, “ Graphene Coated Ni films: A protective coating”, Thin Solid Films, Vol: 529 pp.: 312-316. EI/SCI
- Huang, JL (Huang, Jow-Lay); Ting, JM (Ting, Jyh-Ming); Huang, JL (Huang, Jow-Lay)[ 1 ] ; Ting, JM (Ting, Jyh-Ming); Hsieh, JH (Hsieh, Jang-Hsing); Feng, ZC (Feng, Zhe Chuan); Chu, JP (Chu, Jinn P.); Park, HH (Park, Hyung-Ho); Liu, CP (Liu, Chuan-Pu); Kusano, E (Kusano, Eiji), 2013, “Preface (TACT 2011 Special Issue)”, THIN SOLID FILMS, Vol: 529 pp.: 1-1, EI/SCI.
- Chun-Kai Wang, Chung-Kwei Lin, Ching-Lin Wu, Sheng-Chang Wang, Jow-Lay Huang, 2013, “Synthesis and characterization of electrochromic plate-like tungsten oxide films by acidic treatment of electrochemical anodized tungsten”, Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 112, Pages 24–31(2013),. EI/SCI (IF: 3.777)
- Pramoda K. Nayaka, Hao-Tung Lin, Man-Ping Chang,Wei-Hsio Chen, Jow-Lay Huang, 2013, “ Microstructure analysis and mechanical properties of a new class of Al2O3-WC nanocomposites fabricated by spark plasma sintering ", Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 33, Issues 15–16. EI/SCI
- Sanjaya Brahma, J.-L. Huang , C.P. Liu, L.M. Kukrej, S.A. Shivashankar,2013” Low temperature and rapid deposition of ZnO nanorods on Si(100) substratewith tunable optical emissions”, accepted by Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol: 140 pp.:634-642. EI/SCI. 獲MCP (Materials Chemistry and Physics) 工程論文獎。
- Ching-Lin Wu, Chung-Kwei Lin, Chun-Kai Wang, Sheng-Chang Wang, Jow-Lay Huang, (2013)"Annealing induced structural evolution and electrochromic properties of nanostructured tungsten oxide films", Thin Solid Films,Volume 549, 31 December 2013, Pages 258–262. EI/SCI
- S. Wu, J.L.Huang,2013“ Characterization and piezoelectric properties of reactively sputtered (Sc,Al)N thin films on diamond structure”, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, pp. 1-7. EI/SCI
- Bernard HaochihLiu*, Po-Jui Su, Ching-Huan Lee, Jow-Lay Huang, 2013, “Linking microstructure evolution and impedance behaviors in spark plasma sintered Si3N4/TiC and Si3N4/TiN ceramic nanocomposites”,Ceramics International,Volume 39, Issue 4, Pages 4205–4212 (May 2013), EI/SCI
- Ming-Hsiu Wu, Jow-Lay Huang, Kuan-Zong Fung, Ding-Fwu Lii*, 2014 “Application of Samaria Doped Sculptured Ceria/La1-xSrxCo1-yFeyO3-δ in Cathode of SOFCs at Intermediate Temperature”, Vacuum, Vol: 101 pp.:57-62. EI/SCI
- Yen-Hsing Chen; Yu-Min Shen; Sheng-Chang Wang, PhD; Jow-Lay Huang*, 2014,“Fabrication of one-dimensional ZnO nanotube and nanowire arrays with an anodic alumina oxide template via electrochemical deposition”, Thin Solid Films,Volume 570, Part B, Pages 303–309, (2014), EI/SCI.
- Chun-Min Wang; Chun-Chieh Huang; Jui-Chao Kuo; Jow-Lay Huang*, 2014, ” Study of Sb/SnO2 bi-layer films prepared by ion beam sputtering deposition technique“, Thin Solid Films,Volume 570, Part B, Pages 533–538, (2014), EI/SCI
- Chien-Hsun Chu, Hung-Wei Wu* and Jow-Lay Huang, 2014, “AZO/Au/AZO tri-layer thin films for the very low resistivity transparent electrode applications”, Materials Science and Engineering B., vol. 186, pp. 117-121, Aug. 2014. (2014), EI/SCI
- Wei-Hsio Chen, Pramoda K. Nayak, Hao-Tung Lin, Man-Ping Chang, Jow-Lay Huang*,2014, “Synthesis of nanostructured Tungsten Carbide via Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition and Carburization Process”, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Vol. 47, pp. 44–48, EI/SCI.
- Wei-Hsio Chen, Hao-Tung Lin, Pramoda K. Nayak, Jow-Lay Huang*, 2014, “Material properties of tungsten carbide–alumina composites fabricated by spark plasma sintering”, Ceramics International, Vol. 40, Issue 9, Part B, pp. 15007–15012, EI/SCI..
- Wei-Hsio Chen, Hao-Tung Lin, Pramoda K.Nayak, Man-Ping Chang, Jow-Lay Huang*, 2015, “Sintering behavior and mechanical properties of WC-Al2O3 composites prepared by spark plasma sintering (SPS)”, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Vol. 48, pp. 414-417, EI/SCI..
- Wei-Hsio Chen, Pramoda K. Nayak, Hao-Tung Lin, Alex C. Lee, Jow-Lay Huang*, 2015, “Enhanced mechanical properties of WC-reinforced Al2O3 ceramics via spark plasma sintering”, Ceramics International, Vol. 41, pp. 1317–1321, EI/SCI..
- Chien-Hsun Chu, Hung-Wei Wu* and Jow-Lay Huang, “Novel WO3-based electrochromic device that enables high optical modulation and infrared suppression”, IEEE Electron Devices Letters, Vol. 36(3), pp. 256-258, 2015. EI/SCI..
- Yu-Ling Liang, Shih-Zong Lu, Hsin-Ying Lee, Xiaoding Qi*, Jow-Lay Huang, 2015, “Growth of 3C-SiC films on Si substrates by Vapor-Liquid-Solid tri-phase epitaxy”, Ceramics International, Volume 41, Issue 6, July 2015, Pages 7640–7644. EI/SCI..
- Sundeep H. Deulkar, C. H. Bhosale, and Jow-Lay Huang, 2015, “Utilization of Anodized Aluminum Oxide Substrate for the Growth of ZnO Microcrystals on Polygonized Spirals”, Int. J. Nanosci. Vol. 14, 1550008, EI/SCI..
- Alex C. Lee, Horng-Hwa Lu, Hua-Tay Lin, Pavol Sajgalík ˇ, Ding-Fu Lii, Pramoda K. Nayak, Ching-Yu Chen, Jow-Lay Huang∗, 2015, “Nanopowder processing of ultrafine Si3N4 with improved wear resistance”, Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies, Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2015, Pages 6–12, EI/SCI..
- Chak Seng Long; Horng-Hwa Lu*; Ding-Fwu Lii; Jow-Lay Huang, 2015, “Effects of annealing on near-infrared shielding properties of Cs-doped tungsten oxide thin films deposited by electron beam evaporation”, Surface & Coatings Technology, 284 (2015), 75–79.
- Wei-Hsio Chen, Hao-Tung Lin, Jianmin Chen, Pramoda K. Nayak, Alex C. Lee, Horng-Hwa Lu, Jow-Lay Huang*, 2015, “Microstructure and wear behavior of spark plasma sintering sintered Al2O3/WC-based composite”, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, In Press, Accepted Manuscript.
- Chun-Min Wang, Chun-Chieh Huang *, Jui-Chao Kuo, Dipti Ranjan Sahu, Jow-Lay Huang, 2015, “Effect of Annealing Temperature and Oxygen Flow in the Properties of Ion Beam Sputtered SnO2−x Thin Films”, Materials 2015, 8(8), 5289-5297; doi:10.3390/ma8085243 Accepted for Publication.
- Po-Chia Huang; Jow-Lay Huang; Sheng-Chang Wang, Ph.D.; Muhammad O Shaikh; Chia-Yu Lin, 2015, “Photoelectrochemical properties of orthorhombic and metastable phase SnS nanocrystals synthesized by a facile colloidal method”, accepted for publication will be published in the journal Thin Solid Films.
- Pin-Hung Chen, Sean Wu*, Yi-Chun Chen, Jow-Lay Huang, Ding-Fwu Lii, Zhi-Xun Lin, 2015, “Microstructure and piezoelectric properties of c-axis ScAlN films on the Y-128° LiNbO3 substrate”, Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 284, pp. 129–132, EI/SCI..
- Chien-Hsun Chu, Hung-Wei Wu* and Jow-Lay Huang, 2016, “Effect of annealing temperature and atmosphere on Aluminum-doped ZnO/ Au/ Aluminum-doped ZnO thin film properties”, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 605 (2016), 121–128, EI/SCI.
- Chien-Hsun Chu, Hung-Wei Wu* and Jow-Lay Huang, 2016, “Study of Cu-based Al-doped ZnO Multilayer Thin Films with Different Annealing Conditions”, Ceramics International, Vol. 42[5] (2016), 5754–5761, EI/SCI.
- Woan-Jwu Liauh, Sean Wu*, Jow-Lay Huang, Ding-Fwu Lii, Zhi-Xun Lin, Wen-Kuan Yeh, 2016, “Microstructure and Piezoelectric Properties of Reactively Sputtered Highly C-axis ScxAl1-xN Thin Films on Diamond-Like Carbon/Si Substrate”, Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 308[25], 101–107 (ICMCTF conference ), EI/SCI.
- Jr-Shiang Shiau, Sanjaya Brahma, Chuan-Pu Liu*, Jow-Lay Huang, 2016, “Ultraviolet photodetectors based on MgZnO thin film grown by RF magnetrn sputtering”, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 620[1](2016), 170–174 (submitted to the 43rd International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films Proceedings Symposia F and G) , EI/SCI.
- Shao-Chieh Weng, Sanjaya Brahma, Chia-Chin Chang, Jow-Lay Huang*, 2017, “Synthesis of MnOx/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite as an anode electrode for lithium-ion batteries”, Ceramics International, Vol. 43 (2017), 4873–4879, EI/SCI.
- Shang-Chieh Hou, Yuh-Fan Su, Chia-Chin Chang*, Chih-Wei Hu, Tsan-Yao Chen, Shun-Min Yang, Jow-Lay Huang, 2017, “The synergistic effects of combining the high energy mechanical milling and wet milling on Si negative electrode materials for lithium ion battery”, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 349 (2017), 111-120, EI/SCI.
- Chau-Chung Hou, Sanjaya Brahma, Shao-Chieh Weng, Chia-Chin Chang, Jow-Lay Huang*, 2017, “Facile, low temperature synthesis of SnO2/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite as anode material for lithium-ion batteries”, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 413 (2017), 160–168, EI/SCI.
- Chia-Ling Wu, Po-Chia Huang, Sanjaya Brahma, Jow-Lay Huang, Sheng-Chang Wang*, 2017, “MoS2-MoO2 composite electrocatalysts by hot-injection method for hydrogen evolution reaction”, Ceramics International, In press, EI/SCI. (轉投自AMEC-10, 2016)
- D. R. Sahu, Jow-Lay Huang*, 2017, “Electrochromic behavior of NiO film prepared by e-beam evaporation”, Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices, In press, EI/SCI.
- J.L. Huang, 1987. "Recent Developments in Advanced Ceramics", Materials and Society (材料與社會) Vo1.1, NO.6, PP.7-10.
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- 黃肇瑞,黃啟祥, 1991. "精密陶瓷的製造和應用 "粉末冶金,,80年7月,第20章,pp.395-404.
- 許博淵,黃肇瑞, 1992. " TiB2/Si3N4 氧化矽陶瓷韌化機構之探討 ",Chinese Journal of Materials Science,中華民國材料科學, Vol.24 No.3,p224-230,Nsc 79-0201-D006-30.
- 俞文傑,黃肇瑞, 1992. "氧化矽/氧化鋁系陶瓷緻密化和色澤的研究 ",陶業季刊, Vo1.11,NO.2, pp.70-83,Apr.1992 .Nsc 81-0115-C006-01. 中華民國陶業研究學會81年. 論文獲大學組第一名
- 黃肇瑞,丁儷美, 1993. "陶瓷材料在刀具上的應用 "陶業季刊,Vol.12, No.1, Jan 1993, pp.63-67.
- 黃肇瑞,許博淵, 1993, "高產能的(TiAl)N陶瓷鍍層切削刀具,工程科技通訊.Vol 1, pp25-26
- 黃肇瑞,許博淵,吳柏勳, 1993. " 陶瓷防彈材料的發展 ", 陶業季刊 ,Vo1.12, No.4, Apr.1993, pp.65-71.Nsc 81-0405-F006-646.
- 黃肇瑞,楊才毅,1994年元月.〝透明閃光釉的製作與研究〞,陶業季刊,p.45-54,NSC 82-0115-C006-01-026E.
- 黃肇瑞,石崑耹,盧鴻華 1995年六月. "Si-Ti-C-O 化合物粉末之合成及熱穩定性" "粉末冶金, Vol.20 No.2 59-64.
- 黃肇瑞,李明東,盧鴻華,李丁福, 1995,7月 "碳化鈦/氮化矽基複合材料之研究",陶業季刊 ,Vo1.14, No.3, pp20-25.Nsc 83-0404-D006- 001
- 黃肇瑞,1995年八月"以射出成型技術製作具複雜形狀的氮化矽零件之研究,工程科技通訊,第11期,pp62-63,NSC83-0405-E006-003
- 黃肇瑞,1996年7月"以射出成型技術製作氧化鋁基複合材料之汽車零件,工程科技通訊,第17期,pp65-67,NSC85-2216-E006-006-034
- 黃肇瑞,1996年月"多層氮化矽陶瓷複合材料之製造及磨耗性質之研究,工程科技通訊,第25期,pp77-79 ,NSC83-0405E-006-039, NSC84-2216-E006-013
- 張晏榕,黃肇瑞, 1997 陶業季刊 “層狀Si3N4複合材料製程作及機械性質之研究”陶業季刊 ,Vo1.1, No.1, pp32-37, 中華民國陶業研究學會85年. 論文獲碩士組第二名
- 孫士堯,黃肇瑞,“添加劑對於富鋁尖晶石耐火材料合成及侵蝕影響之研究” 材料科學1997年,已接受,出版中.
- 黃肇瑞等,礦冶, “臺灣礦冶工業之進展”,1998年,42/2 p73-p104.
- 黃肇瑞,礦冶 43/2, “民國87年臺灣礦冶工程建設概況-資源與材料教育”,1998年p105-106.
- 劉見成,施政宏,黃肇瑞, 1999. " Investigation of Microstructure In Silicon Nitride Containing Ytterbium Oxide Sintering Additives ",Chinese Journal of Materials Science,中華民國材料科學, Vol31, No.1, p10-18. NSC87-2216-E006-055
- 黃肇瑞, 盧鴻華1999年8 月"氮化矽基複合材料特性與應用之開發研究,工程科技通訊,第39期,p12-14 ,NSC87-2216-E006-041
- 陳慶雲,黃肇瑞, 2000.,” 六偏磷酸鈉對於氧化鋁-氧化鎂泥漿流變性質及合成尖晶石耐火材料影響之研究” ",陶業季刊 ,第十九卷第二期p34-41.
- 黃肇瑞,礦冶 2000年, “臺灣礦冶工業之進展 –礦冶教育”, ,44/2 p92-93.
- 劉見成,黃肇瑞,1999, “氮化矽基層狀複合材料的強化研究”,國立臺灣科技大學技術學刊. Journal of Technology, vol. 14, no4, pp641-646.
- 黃肇瑞, 2000年"氮化矽基複合材料特性與應用之開發研究 (II)”,工程科技通訊,第50期p42-44,NSC88-2216-E006-009
- 黃肇瑞,許博淵, 林振富, 2001,”基板偏壓對反應濺鍍TiAlN鍍層的影響〞真空科技, 十四卷二期p13-18
- 甘明吉,黃肇瑞, 2001”國際環境材料之發展及應用”,工業材料,90 年10月 178期 p173-177
- 劉見成,黃肇瑞,2002 “Manufacture and Properties of Electro-Conductive TiN-Si3N4 Particulate Composites” 材料科學與工程, Vol. 34, No.1. pp61-65 (2002), NSC 89-2216-E006-034.
- 黃肇瑞,林素霞,工程科技通訊,第59期,2001,12月”以反應磁控濺鍍法在壓克力基材上披覆氧化銦錫薄膜及其耐磨耗、抗反射性質改良之研究”,p76-79, NSC-892216E006-033
- 張佳媛, 姚寶順, 黃肇瑞, 2001年“退火氣氛及溫度對ATO薄膜影響之研究”,真空科技, 14卷3期, p17-21 .NSC89-2216-E012-003,
- 黃肇瑞,劉見成, 2002"具導電性之氮化鈦-氮化矽複合材料的加工與特性與之研究,工程科技通訊,第65期,p25-29. NSC 89-2216-E006-034.
- 林素霞,黃瑞肇2004,”以氧化鋅中介層增進氧化鋁薄膜的結晶性及光學性貭”,材料科學與工程.第36卷第2期 p71-78.獲94年度中國材料傑出論文獎.
- 姚寶順黃肇瑞2004,”離子轟擊對濺鍍奈米結晶氮化鋁鈦/非晶氮化矽複合薄膜之影響”, 材料科學與工程.36卷第3期93年9月p179-184..
- 甘明吉,黃肇瑞, 2003,”奈米結構非晶鑚石之電子場發射性質”,工業材料,202期,92年10月p174-178.
- 靳元良林浩東黃肇瑞王聖璋“以有機金屬化學氣相沈積法配合流體床技術及熱壓燒結製程製備碳化鉻/氧化鋁奈米複合陶瓷之微結構與機械性質研究”,中華民國陶業研究學會九十四年年會暨學術論文發表會,94年5月25日,:台南,獲碩士组佳作獎. 刊登於陶業季刊, 94年.
- 王武章,黃肇瑞,盧鴻華“反應磁控濺鍍氧化屋薄膜之電致色變性質研究”, 陶業季刊, 94年7月,第24卷第3期p13-20
- 林浩東黃肇瑞,”Preparation Of Nanometer-sized Cr2O3 Particle Dispersed On Alumina Particles By MOCVD In Fluidized Reactor”, 材料科學與工程.37卷第3期 95年 p149-154
- 羅文賾, 黃肇瑞, 李丁福, 盧鴻華, “以熱壓燒結法製備Ti3SiC2 陶瓷材料及其微結構與機械性質之研究, 94年11月25-26日,淡江大學獲94年度中國材料科學學會大會暨國科會專題計畫研究成果發表會論文獎佳作. 轉載於材料科學與工程.37卷第4期pp189-195, (2005)
- 黃肇瑞,林士淵,薛乃瑞"閃光釉的製作與改進”,工程科技通訊,第85期,p35-38. 95年4月
- 林振富,黃肇瑞 “高頻微波介電陶瓷之應用與其超晶格有序結構研究”,中國工程師學會會刊14卷第2期, 95年12月p70-78.
- 吳姿蓉,王聖璋,黃肇瑞, “電子束蒸鍍製備氧化鎳薄膜之電致色變性質研究” ,中華民國陶業研究學會會刊第27卷第三期 p 62-72
- 黃肇瑞, “Improvement of Opto-Electric Transfer Efficiency in Solar Cell and Photochromic Applictions”, 中華民國陶業研究學會會刊2009年1月,第28卷第一期 p 25-32.
- 黃肇瑞,羅文賾“Ti3SiC3奈米層狀陶瓷複合材料為結構與機械性質之研究”, 工程科技通訊2008年12月, 99期 p221-225
- 吳明修,黃肇瑞, “氧化鋯基陶瓷鍍膜的應用研究與開發”,工程科技通訊2010年109期.
- 施岳廷,沈祐民,王聖璋,黃肇瑞, “陽極氧化鋁模板輔助氧化亞銅同奈米陣列成長特性”,中華民國陶業研究學會會刊 2010年7月,第29卷第三期 p 6249-58
- 鄭亞寰,王聖璋,黃肇瑞,“電泳披覆二氧化矽粉體製備積層陶瓷電容器內電極絕緣層”,中華民國陶業研究學會會刊 2010年1月,第29卷第一期 pp. 29~34。
- 黃奕齊 ; 盧鴻華 ; Nayak, Pramoda K. ; 李京桓 ; 黃肇瑞,“利用碳熱還原法製備單一相奈米氮化矽陶瓷材料之研究”,中華民國陶業研究學會會刊 2011年10月,第30卷第四期 pp. 44~51。
- 李京桓 ; 盧鴻華 ; Nayak, Pramoda. K. ; 黃肇瑞,“以Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS)技術製備β相氮化矽基奈米複合陶瓷的燒結機制與晶體成長行為之研究”,中華民國陶業研究學會會刊 2012年1月,第31卷第一期 pp. 33~44
- 沈祐民 ; 潘誌煌 ; 王聖璋 ; 黃肇瑞,“晶種層輔助電化學沉積法成長有序ZnO/AZO/PAMs奈米陣列之研究”,中華民國陶業研究學會會刊 2012年1月,第31卷第一期 pp. 27~33
- 陳慶雨,李京桓,盧鴻華,黃肇瑞,“製備含氧化釔助燒結劑之奈米氮化矽陶瓷之微結構演化之研究”,中華民國陶業研究學會會刊 2013年7月,第32卷第三期 pp. 1~8
- 李京桓,黃肇瑞,“生活化的結構陶瓷”,《科學發展》2013年1月,481期,60 ~ 65頁。
- 申鈞婷,李京桓,盧鴻華,黃肇瑞, “以多重碎形定律評估奈米石墨烯對奈米氮化矽陶瓷之硬化機制研究”,台灣陶瓷學會季刊(ISSN 1012-5442),優良論文集,Vol. 35,No. 3,2016。